Recent Mailchimp issue?

I have a tiny website where I got two new accounts today. I found out that neither of them were added to the MC audience as expected. I checked the settings for MC and everything looked fine. I figured, maybe there was a hiccup.

Then, working on my store newsletter, I had issues (it is also connected to MC). I had to reach out to support for MC to address it and in the process, the support agent had to register an account on my blog. That contact was also not sent to MC.

Thinking that the issue was with MC, I got that support person to register on my Zencart store, and that connected normally with MC so the issue is not MC, but something between the WP site/s2Member and MC.

I only noticed that in the last day or so. Anyone else experience issues connecting with MC?

That’s interesting.

Well, for now you could enable s2’s logging, including the advanced one, to help you troubleshoot. WP Admin > s2Member > Log Files > Configuration


Interestingly, it WAS enabled. I’ll have to look into it. However, what am I looking for?

Here is a thread about a Mailchimp issue: Mailchimp integration broken? Essentially, in the Mailchimp log, [api_response] is blank.

In your Mailchimp log, is "[api_response] => " (blank)?

I had this issue. I gave up and installed AWeber, which still works.


Carole, I’m not sure if the fix in today’s release (v240218) is related to what you’re describing, but please let me know if it helped after you try it.


Interesting. I was JUST coming to this post to see what I was supposed to check in the log.

I had about a dozen bot registrations on the site, but none of them were carried over to Mailchimp (in this case, it is a good thing!)

I’ll see if others will come up in the next days with the updated version.

1 Like

I have updated to the recent version, and today, one “bot” registered on the site.
I checked in MailChimp and that name was not carried over. Of course, it is not really an issue since it is a bot, but it can be problematic when it is a legit subscriber.

Checking the log for that one “registration” today, here is what it shows (I redacted the identification, even if it is an obvious bot):

LOG ENTRY: Mon Feb 19th, 2024 @ precisely 10:28 pm UTC
PHP v8.0.30 :: WordPress v6.4.3 :: s2Member v240218 :: s2Member Pro v210526
Memory 74.35 MB :: Real Memory 77.00 MB :: Peak Memory 74.41 MB :: Real Peak Memory 77.00 MB
[removed my site URL]
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
    [list_id] => 66f1dce938
    [email] => Array
            [email] =>

    [merge_fields] => Array
            [MERGE1] => Edwardtut
            [MERGE2] => Edwardtut
            [OPTIN_IP] =>
            [OPTIN_TIME] => 2024-02-19 22:28:32
            [FNAME] => Edwardtut
            [LNAME] => Edwardtut

    [email_type] => html
    [double_optin] => 1
    [update_existing] => 1
    [replace_interests] => 1
    [send_welcome] => 
    [subscriber_hash] => c16305ca4ec84340193339ed44159435
    [url] =>
    [interests] => Array

    [data] => Array
            [email_address] =>
            [status] => subscribed
            [status_if_new] => pending
            [email_type] => html
            [merge_fields] => stdClass Object
                    [MERGE1] => Edwardtut
                    [MERGE2] => Edwardtut
                    [OPTIN_IP] =>
                    [OPTIN_TIME] => 2024-02-19 22:28:32
                    [FNAME] => Edwardtut
                    [LNAME] => Edwardtut


    [options] => Array
            [http] => Array
                    [header] => Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjo3NTc4ZTFhMmIxZDc5NTI4MmRjZGQ3YThkNzAwNGNlZi11czIw
                    [method] => PUT
                    [content] => {"email_address":"","status":"subscribed","status_if_new":"pending","email_type":"html","merge_fields":{"MERGE1":"Edwardtut","MERGE2":"Edwardtut","OPTIN_IP":"","OPTIN_TIME":"2024-02-19 22:28:32","FNAME":"Edwardtut","LNAME":"Edwardtut"}}
                    [timeout] => Array
                            [timeout] => 30



    [context] => Resource id #1475
    [result] => 

LOG ENTRY: Mon Feb 19th, 2024 @ precisely 10:28 pm UTC
PHP v8.0.30 :: WordPress v6.4.3 :: s2Member v240218 :: s2Member Pro v210526
Memory 74.34 MB :: Real Memory 77.00 MB :: Peak Memory 74.41 MB :: Real Peak Memory 77.00 MB
[removed the URL]
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
    [args] => stdClass Object
            [role] => subscriber
            [level] => 0
            [ccaps] => default
            [login] => Edwardtut
            [pass] => xxxxxxxxxx
            [email] =>
            [fname] => Edwardtut
            [lname] => Edwardtut
            [ip] =>
            [opt_out] => 
            [opt_in] => 1
            [double_opt_in] => 1
            [user] => WP_User Object
                    [data] => stdClass Object
                            [ID] => 41
                            [user_login] => Edwardtut
                            [user_pass] => xxxxxxxxxxxx.
                            [user_nicename] => xxxxxxxx
                            [user_email] =>
                            [user_url] => 
                            [user_registered] => 2024-02-19 22:28:32
                            [user_activation_key] => 
                            [user_status] => 0
                            [display_name] => Edwardtut Edwardtut

                    [ID] => 41
                    [caps] => Array
                            [subscriber] => 1
                            [bbp_participant] => 1
                            [access_s2member_ccap_default] => 1

                    [cap_key] => wp_capabilities
                    [roles] => Array
                            [0] => subscriber
                            [1] => bbp_participant

                    [allcaps] => Array
                            [read] => 1
                            [level_0] => 1
                            [spectate] => 1
                            [participate] => 1
                            [read_private_forums] => 1
                            [publish_topics] => 1
                            [edit_topics] => 1
                            [publish_replies] => 1
                            [edit_replies] => 1
                            [assign_topic_tags] => 1
                            [access_s2member_level0] => 1
                            [subscriber] => 1
                            [bbp_participant] => 1
                            [access_s2member_ccap_default] => 1

                    [filter] => 
                    [site_id:WP_User:private] => 1

            [user_id] => 41
            [name] => Edwardtut Edwardtut

    [function] => subscribe
    [list] => 66f1dce938
    [list_id] => 66f1dce938
    [api_method] => listSubscribe
    [api_properties] => Mailchimp Object
            [lists] => MailchimpV3 Object
                    [api_key:MailchimpV3:private] => ******************************-us20
                    [server:MailchimpV3:private] => us20
                    [timeout:MailchimpV3:private] => Array
                            [timeout] => 30



    [merge_array] => Array
            [MERGE1] => Edwardtut
            [MERGE2] => Edwardtut
            [OPTIN_IP] =>
            [OPTIN_TIME] => 2024-02-19 22:28:32

    [api_merge_array] => Array
            [MERGE1] => Edwardtut
            [MERGE2] => Edwardtut
            [OPTIN_IP] =>
            [OPTIN_TIME] => 2024-02-19 22:28:32

    [api_email_type] => html
    [api_double_optin] => 1
    [api_update_existing] => 1
    [api_replace_interests] => 1
    [api_send_welcome] => 
    [api_response] => 

Thanks for the update.

I see. Well, the status is “pending” so that could be why MailChimp doesn’t list it yet, because the subscriber didn’t confirm it. But I also see in the log that it stops with an empty api_response…

Can you reproduce the problem when you register a test account from the registration form as a regular visitor? Please let me know how it goes, and if you have the same issue and don’t get the confirmation email or get added to Mailchimp, please let me take a closer look and troubleshoot it (you can send me an email with the logins).


(note: I’m going to edit your log to remove the mailchimp key)

OK. I created an account using the basic registration. I did get the confirmation email and once I clicked, it was added to MailChimp.

It explains why the bots didn’t get added, and that is fine.

On the other hand, I had two “legit” new registrants on the site and they didn’t get added to MC.

I am puzzled.

On the other hand, I had two “legit” new registrants on the site and they didn’t get added to MC.

Did they confirm the subscription? Or they didn’t get the confirmation email? Did you check the s2 log for mailchimp for those registrants?


One of them I know and she was wondering why she never heard from me, so I suspect she never got any email. She had actually made a purchase through s2M.

As for the other one, I don’t know her at all, so I have no communication with her. She just registered to the site, without making a transaction.

For both of them, what would I check for in the log?

I see…

You can look them up by name or email to find the relevant log entries.


I found them, but I am not sure what field to check.
Should I put the log in here for both?

Yes, you can do that. Just remove/change any sensitive information, please. And please include what log file the entries are from, too.


This is one I don’t know if she did receive the email notification or not:

LOG ENTRY: Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ precisely 3:59 pm UTC
PHP v8.0.30 :: WordPress v6.4.3 :: s2Member v230815 :: s2Member Pro v210526
Memory 72.01 MB :: Real Memory 75.00 MB :: Peak Memory 72.08 MB :: Real Peak Memory 75.00 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; SM-G781W Build/TP1A.220624.014; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/121.0.6167.135 Mobile Safari/537.36 [FB_IAB/FB4A;FBAV/449.;]
[list_id] => 66f1dce938
[email] => Array
        [email] =>

[merge_fields] => Array
        [MERGE1] => MĂ©lissa
        [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:cc5c:c800:d06e:eb37:3913:3b25
        [OPTIN_TIME] => 2024-02-03 15:59:07
        [FNAME] => MĂ©lissa
        [LNAME] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[email_type] => html
[double_optin] => 1
[update_existing] => 1
[replace_interests] => 1
[send_welcome] => 
[subscriber_hash] => f82055bd3b8052f68e2cfc8f519f45f2
[url] =>
[interests] => Array

[data] => Array
        [email_address] =>
        [status] => subscribed
        [status_if_new] => pending
        [email_type] => html
        [merge_fields] => stdClass Object
                [MERGE1] => MĂ©lissa
                [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:cc5c:c800:d06e:eb37:3913:3b25
                [OPTIN_TIME] => 2024-02-03 15:59:07
                [FNAME] => MĂ©lissa
                [LNAME] => xxxxxxxxxxx

        [interests] => Array


[options] => Array
        [http] => Array
                [header] => Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjo3Y2UwNjEzNjEzNWUxZmViMzRmNGJmOTJlN2ViNWMwOS11czIw
                [method] => PUT
                [content] => {"email_address":"","status":"subscribed","status_if_new":"pending","email_type":"html","merge_fields":{"MERGE1":"M\u00e9lissa","MERGE2":"Chiasson Savoie","OPTIN_IP":"2607:fea8:cc5c:c800:d06e:eb37:3913:3b25","OPTIN_TIME":"2024-02-03 15:59:07","FNAME":"M\u00e9lissa","LNAME":"xxxxxxxxxx"},"interests":[]}
                [timeout] => Array
                        [timeout] => 30



[context] => Resource id #1395
[result] => 

LOG ENTRY: Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ precisely 3:59 pm UTC
PHP v8.0.30 :: WordPress v6.4.3 :: s2Member v230815 :: s2Member Pro v210526
Memory 72.01 MB :: Real Memory 75.00 MB :: Peak Memory 72.10 MB :: Real Peak Memory 75.00 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; SM-G781W Build/TP1A.220624.014; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/121.0.6167.135 Mobile Safari/537.36 [FB_IAB/FB4A;FBAV/449.;]
[args] => stdClass Object
        [role] => subscriber
        [level] => 0
        [ccaps] => default
        [login] => melch19
        [pass] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        [email] =>
        [fname] => MĂ©lissa
        [lname] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        [ip] => 2607:fea8:cc5c:c800:d06e:eb37:3913:3b25
        [opt_out] => 
        [opt_in] => 1
        [double_opt_in] => 1
        [user] => WP_User Object
                [data] => stdClass Object
                        [ID] => 29
                        [user_login] => melch19
                        [user_pass] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                        [user_nicename] => melch19
                        [user_email] =>
                        [user_url] => 
                        [user_registered] => 2024-02-03 15:59:07
                        [user_activation_key] => 
                        [user_status] => 0
                        [display_name] => MĂ©lissa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                [ID] => 29
                [caps] => Array
                        [subscriber] => 1
                        [bbp_participant] => 1
                        [access_s2member_ccap_default] => 1

                [cap_key] => wp_capabilities
                [roles] => Array
                        [0] => subscriber
                        [1] => bbp_participant

                [allcaps] => Array
                        [read] => 1
                        [level_0] => 1
                        [spectate] => 1
                        [participate] => 1
                        [read_private_forums] => 1
                        [publish_topics] => 1
                        [edit_topics] => 1
                        [publish_replies] => 1
                        [edit_replies] => 1
                        [assign_topic_tags] => 1
                        [access_s2member_level0] => 1
                        [subscriber] => 1
                        [bbp_participant] => 1
                        [access_s2member_ccap_default] => 1

                [filter] => 
                [site_id:WP_User:private] => 1

        [user_id] => 29
        [name] => MĂ©lissa xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[function] => subscribe
[list] => 66f1dce938
[list_id] => 66f1dce938
[api_method] => listSubscribe
[api_properties] => Mailchimp Object
        [lists] => MailchimpV3 Object
                [api_key:MailchimpV3:private] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                [server:MailchimpV3:private] => us20
                [timeout:MailchimpV3:private] => Array
                        [timeout] => 30



[merge_array] => Array
        [MERGE1] => MĂ©lissa
        [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:cc5c:c800:d06e:eb37:3913:3b25
        [OPTIN_TIME] => 2024-02-03 15:59:07

[api_merge_array] => Array
        [MERGE1] => MĂ©lissa
        [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxxxxx
        [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:cc5c:c800:d06e:eb37:3913:3b25
        [OPTIN_TIME] => 2024-02-03 15:59:07

[api_email_type] => html
[api_double_optin] => 1
[api_update_existing] => 1
[api_replace_interests] => 1
[api_send_welcome] => 
[api_response] => 

And here is the other. I know that she never got anything because she asked me. She is one who actually made a purchase.

LOG ENTRY: Thu Dec 7th, 2023 @ precisely 6:46 pm UTC
PHP v8.0.30 :: WordPress v6.3.2 :: s2Member v230815 :: s2Member Pro v210526
Memory 70.74 MB :: Real Memory 73.00 MB :: Peak Memory 70.78 MB :: Real Peak Memory 73.00 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
    [list_id] => 66f1dce938
    [email] => Array
            [email] =>

    [merge_fields] => Array
            [MERGE1] => JANICE
            [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
            [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857
            [OPTIN_TIME] => 2023-12-07 18:46:39
            [FNAME] => JANICE
            [LNAME] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    [email_type] => html
    [double_optin] => 1
    [update_existing] => 1
    [replace_interests] => 1
    [send_welcome] => 
    [subscriber_hash] => 71a44954e34bd0d3389f27a91a4897b6
    [url] =>
    [interests] => Array

    [data] => Array
            [email_address] =>
            [status] => subscribed
            [status_if_new] => pending
            [email_type] => html
            [merge_fields] => stdClass Object
                    [MERGE1] => JANICE
                    [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                    [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857
                    [OPTIN_TIME] => 2023-12-07 18:46:39
                    [FNAME] => JANICE
                    [LNAME] =>xxxxxxxxxxxx

            [interests] => Array


    [options] => Array
            [http] => Array
                    [header] => Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjo3Y2UwNjEzNjEzNWUxZmViMzRmNGJmOTJlN2ViNWMwOS11czIw
                    [method] => PUT
                    [content] => {"email_address":"","status":"subscribed","status_if_new":"pending","email_type":"html","merge_fields":{"MERGE1":"JANICE","MERGE2":"xxxxxxxxxxx","OPTIN_IP":"2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857","OPTIN_TIME":"2023-12-07 18:46:39","FNAME":"JANICE","LNAME":"xxxxxxxxxxxxx"},"interests":[]}
                    [timeout] => Array
                            [timeout] => 30



    [context] => Resource id #1381
    [result] => 

LOG ENTRY: Thu Dec 7th, 2023 @ precisely 6:46 pm UTC
PHP v8.0.30 :: WordPress v6.3.2 :: s2Member v230815 :: s2Member Pro v210526
Memory 70.74 MB :: Real Memory 73.00 MB :: Peak Memory 70.83 MB :: Real Peak Memory 73.00 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
    [args] => stdClass Object
            [role] => subscriber
            [level] => 0
            [ccaps] => default
            [login] =>
            [pass] => xxxxxxxxxxxx
            [email] =>
            [fname] => JANICE
            [lname] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
            [ip] => 2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857
            [opt_out] => 
            [opt_in] => 1
            [double_opt_in] => 1
            [user] => WP_User Object
                    [data] => stdClass Object
                            [ID] => 23
                            [user_login] =>
                            [user_pass] => $P$BKvdlieF47UHvOQju9b4dj1RAC405Z0
                            [user_nicename] => xxxxxxxxxxxgmail-com
                            [user_email] =>
                            [user_url] => 
                            [user_registered] => 2023-12-07 18:46:39
                            [user_activation_key] => 
                            [user_status] => 0
                            [display_name] => JANICE xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                    [ID] => 23
                    [caps] => Array
                            [subscriber] => 1
                            [bbp_participant] => 1
                            [access_s2member_ccap_default] => 1

                    [cap_key] => wp_capabilities
                    [roles] => Array
                            [0] => subscriber
                            [1] => bbp_participant

                    [allcaps] => Array
                            [read] => 1
                            [level_0] => 1
                            [spectate] => 1
                            [participate] => 1
                            [read_private_forums] => 1
                            [publish_topics] => 1
                            [edit_topics] => 1
                            [publish_replies] => 1
                            [edit_replies] => 1
                            [assign_topic_tags] => 1
                            [access_s2member_level0] => 1
                            [subscriber] => 1
                            [bbp_participant] => 1
                            [access_s2member_ccap_default] => 1

                    [filter] => 
                    [site_id:WP_User:private] => 1

            [user_id] => 23
            [name] => JANICE xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    [function] => subscribe
    [list] => 66f1dce938
    [list_id] => 66f1dce938
    [api_method] => listSubscribe
    [api_properties] => Mailchimp Object
            [lists] => MailchimpV3 Object
                    [api_key:MailchimpV3:private] => xxxxxxxxxxxx
                    [server:MailchimpV3:private] => us20
                    [timeout:MailchimpV3:private] => Array
                            [timeout] => 30



    [merge_array] => Array
            [MERGE1] => JANICE
            [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
            [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857
            [OPTIN_TIME] => 2023-12-07 18:46:39

    [api_merge_array] => Array
            [MERGE1] => JANICE
            [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857
            [OPTIN_TIME] => 2023-12-07 18:46:39

    [api_email_type] => html
    [api_double_optin] => 1
    [api_update_existing] => 1
    [api_replace_interests] => 1
    [api_send_welcome] => 
    [api_response] => 

LOG ENTRY: Thu Dec 7th, 2023 @ precisely 6:54 pm UTC
PHP v8.0.30 :: WordPress v6.3.2 :: s2Member v230815 :: s2Member Pro v210526
Memory 72.93 MB :: Real Memory 75.00 MB :: Peak Memory 72.97 MB :: Real Peak Memory 75.00 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
    [list_id] => 66f1dce938
    [email] => Array
            [email] =>

    [merge_fields] => Array
            [MERGE1] => JANICE
            [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
            [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857
            [OPTIN_TIME] => 2023-12-07 18:54:18
            [FNAME] => JANICE
            [LNAME] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    [email_type] => html
    [double_optin] => 1
    [update_existing] => 1
    [replace_interests] => 1
    [send_welcome] => 
    [subscriber_hash] => 71a44954e34bd0d3389f27a91a4897b6
    [url] =>
    [interests] => Array

    [data] => Array
            [email_address] =>
            [status] => subscribed
            [status_if_new] => pending
            [email_type] => html
            [merge_fields] => stdClass Object
                    [MERGE1] => JANICE
                    [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxxx
                    [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857
                    [OPTIN_TIME] => 2023-12-07 18:54:18
                    [FNAME] => JANICE
                    [LNAME] => xxxxxxxxxxx

            [interests] => Array


    [options] => Array
            [http] => Array
                    [header] => Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjo3Y2UwNjEzNjEzNWUxZmViMzRmNGJmOTJlN2ViNWMwOS11czIw
                    [method] => PUT
                    [content] => {"email_address":"","status":"subscribed","status_if_new":"pending","email_type":"html","merge_fields":{"MERGE1":"JANICE","MERGE2":"xxxxxxxxxx","OPTIN_IP":"2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857","OPTIN_TIME":"2023-12-07 18:54:18","FNAME":"JANICE","LNAME":"xxxxxxxxxxxxx"},"interests":[]}
                    [timeout] => Array
                            [timeout] => 30



    [context] => Resource id #1522
    [result] => 

LOG ENTRY: Thu Dec 7th, 2023 @ precisely 6:54 pm UTC
PHP v8.0.30 :: WordPress v6.3.2 :: s2Member v230815 :: s2Member Pro v210526
Memory 72.92 MB :: Real Memory 75.00 MB :: Peak Memory 73.01 MB :: Real Peak Memory 75.00 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
    [args] => stdClass Object
            [role] => s2member_level1
            [level] => 1
            [ccaps] => default,3ma
            [login] =>
            [pass] => $P$BKvdlieF47UHvOQju9b4dj1RAC405Z0
            [email] =>
            [fname] => JANICE
            [lname] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            [ip] => 2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857
            [opt_out] => 
            [opt_in] => 1
            [double_opt_in] => 1
            [user] => WP_User Object
                    [data] => stdClass Object
                            [ID] => 23
                            [user_login] =>
                            [user_pass] => $P$BKvdlieF47UHvOQju9b4dj1RAC405Z0
                            [user_nicename] => xxxxxxxxxxxxjanicegmail-com
                            [user_email] =>
                            [user_url] => 
                            [user_registered] => 2023-12-07 18:46:39
                            [user_activation_key] => 
                            [user_status] => 0
                            [display_name] => JANICExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                    [ID] => 23
                    [caps] => Array
                            [access_s2member_ccap_default] => 1
                            [s2member_level1] => 1
                            [access_s2member_ccap_3ma] => 1

                    [cap_key] => wp_capabilities
                    [roles] => Array
                            [1] => s2member_level1

                    [allcaps] => Array
                            [read] => 1
                            [level_0] => 1
                            [access_s2member_level0] => 1
                            [access_s2member_level1] => 1
                            [spectate] => 1
                            [participate] => 1
                            [read_private_forums] => 1
                            [publish_topics] => 1
                            [edit_topics] => 1
                            [publish_replies] => 1
                            [edit_replies] => 1
                            [assign_topic_tags] => 1
                            [access_s2member_ccap_default] => 1
                            [s2member_level1] => 1
                            [access_s2member_ccap_3ma] => 1

                    [filter] => 
                    [site_id:WP_User:private] => 1

            [user_id] => 23
            [name] => JANICE xxxxxxxxxxxx

    [function] => subscribe
    [list] => 66f1dce938
    [list_id] => 66f1dce938
    [api_method] => listSubscribe
    [api_properties] => Mailchimp Object
            [lists] => MailchimpV3 Object
                    [api_key:MailchimpV3:private] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                    [server:MailchimpV3:private] => us20
                    [timeout:MailchimpV3:private] => Array
                            [timeout] => 30



    [merge_array] => Array
            [MERGE1] => JANICE
            [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
            [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857
            [OPTIN_TIME] => 2023-12-07 18:54:18

    [api_merge_array] => Array
            [MERGE1] => JANICE
            [MERGE2] => xxxxxxxxx
            [OPTIN_IP] => 2607:fea8:b041:cc00:c0cd:5a36:bfa4:6857
            [OPTIN_TIME] => 2023-12-07 18:54:18

    [api_email_type] => html
    [api_double_optin] => 1
    [api_update_existing] => 1
    [api_replace_interests] => 1
    [api_send_welcome] => 
    [api_response] => 

Edit any sensitive information I might have missed.

Thanks for those.

Yeah, I see they miss the API response as well.

I’d like to take a closer look and maybe do some troubleshooting tests if possible, please. Could you email me the login?


Information sent.

1 Like

Just to make sure, did you receive my email with the information to log in?

I looked for it now and found it. I’m taking a look now.


Sent you an email asking a couple other things.
