! VERY BAD ! Can't Non-Recur Stripe Pro-Forms Coupon Codes


I’m trying to configure a Stripe Pro-Forms Coupon Code: 1 Year @ $50 ; 1 Time, 1 Year, Non-Recurring ; Description “$50 for 1 Year.” There’s a “then I want to charge” dollar amount field immediately preceding the “1 Year, Non-Recurring” select.

If I put $50 in the "then I want to charge field, Pro-Forms generates

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form level=“1” ccaps="" desc="$50.00 for 1 Year" cc=“USD” custom=“www.ecollegee.com” ta=“50.00” tp=“1” tt=“Y” ra=“50.00” rp=“1” rt=“Y” rr=“0” coupon="" accept_coupons=“0” default_country_code=“US” captcha=“0” /]. I modify to ’ accept_coupons=“1” '.

When the coupon is applied, the message displays “Discount: $10.00 off (Now:$40.00 for 1 Year, then $40.00 for 1 year)”. This is non-recurring. There is not supposed to be “then $40.00 for 1 year”.

And any “then” that would be there shouldn’t be “$40.00 for 1 year.” That would be applying the discount again. I’m not interested in promising to renew at $40 or $50 or any specific amount. IT’S NON-RECURRING.

If I change the “then I want to charge” to 0, Pro-Forms generates

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form level=“1” ccaps="" desc="$50 for 1 Year" cc=“USD” custom=“www.ecollegee.com” ta=“50.00” tp=“1” tt=“Y” ra=“0” rp=“1” rt=“Y” rr=“0” coupon="" accept_coupons=“0” default_country_code=“US” captcha=“0” /] I modify to ’ accept_coupons=“1” '.

When the coupon is applied, the message displays “Discount: $10.00 off (Now:$40.00 for 1 Year, then $0.00 for 1 year)”. THAT’S WORSE. Again, there is not supposed to be any “then".

I tried removing the 'ra=“50.00” and ‘ra=“0”’. No ra. I get the same as if ‘ ra=“0" ‘, i.e., "then $0.00 for 1 year.”

I tried leaving ‘ ra=“50.00” ‘ and removing the ‘ rr=“0” ‘ and I get the same as if ‘ rr=“0” ‘, i.e., “then $40.00 for 1 year.”


How do I get rid of the “then” clause? It doesn’t matter if the system won’t automatically bill the customer. I don’t want to tell the customer that there will be a charge next year or an option for any specific charge next year.

Do I have any option besides editing your code?

Ha! Found the offending message in wp-content/plugins/s2member-pro/src/includes/classes/coupons.inc.php. It’s either the $desc or the $response value. Multiple places, depending on coupon options. I’m pretty sure it’s the $response. “then” occurs 12 times, 6 for $desc and 6 for $response, paired within 6 different option combinations.

We have a winner! It’s the third $response.

Problem solved. Now I can get back to doing useful work.

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Yeah, this still hasn’t been fixed/improved - still says and “then” for annual payment selections…

Please repair this

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Bill, I’m sorry I had not seen this before, I’ve only been back the last couple months.

The reason you’re getting the “then” there, is because you’re using the trial term in your shortcode, and that’s only available in subscriptions, which assumes “then” a regular term. If you don’t need the trial term, and you just want to charge once, it’s better to use the buy-now: rr="BN". WP Admin > s2Member Pro > Stripe Pro-Forms > Shortcode Attributes > rr

I hope that make sense. :slight_smile: