Thank you for maintaining this plugin and for all your hard work!
I noticed something odd: When you make a Stripe subscription for x months, it actually makes a subscription for x * 30 days. This can add up and short change a customer by 5.25 days per year.
Here is a relevant thread Monthly billing query, that points out another issue with this. The day a customer is charged changes from month to month. This can be confusing for customers, and can even result in overdraft fees if they have limited funds.
The relevant code is in in the method defined as:
public static function get_plan($shortcode_attrs, $metadata = array())
Specifically, the issue is that the call to the “per_term_2_days()” method converts 1M to 30D and 1Y to 365D.
Stripe supports time periods set in days, weeks, months, or years, like the s2member shortcode, so I do not believe this conversion is needed.
I modified the “get_plan()” method to the code below and tested as working for 23D, 2W, 1M and 1Y. However, I know that this will get overwritten the next time I update s2member.
Would it be possible to please merge this fix into the codebase so that it is in the next version? That would be a huge help!
public static function get_plan($shortcode_attrs, $metadata = array())
$input_time = time(); // Initialize.
$input_vars = get_defined_vars(); // Arguments.
$amount = $shortcode_attrs['ra'];
$currency = $shortcode_attrs['cc'];
$name = $shortcode_attrs['desc'];
$metadata['recurring'] = $shortcode_attrs['rr'] && $shortcode_attrs['rr'] !== 'BN';
// rrt installments are not managed by Stripe, it's a regular subscription ended by s2 after number of payments.
// This gets tricky with Jason's shift of first regular to a separate charge when there's an unused trial period.
$metadata['recurring_times'] = $shortcode_attrs['rr'] && $shortcode_attrs['rrt'] ? (integer)$shortcode_attrs['rrt'] : -1;
$trial_period_days = self::per_term_2_days($shortcode_attrs['tp'], $shortcode_attrs['tt']);
$interval_term = "";
switch (strtoupper($shortcode_attrs['rt']))
case 'D':
$interval_term = "day";
case 'W':
$interval_term = "week";
case 'M':
$interval_term = "month";
case 'Y':
$interval_term = "year";
$interval_period = is_numeric($shortcode_attrs['rp'])? (integer)$shortcode_attrs['rp'] : 0;
// The access is more correct for the product's name, and will avoid duplicate products,
// but the shortcode's description is probably better in this case...
// $product_name = trim('level'$shortcode_attrs['level'].':'.$shortcode_attrs['ccaps']);
$product = self::get_product($name);
$plan_id = 's2_plan_'.md5($amount.$currency.$name.$trial_period_days.$interval_period.$interval_term.serialize($metadata).$GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['pro_stripe_api_statement_description']);
try // Attempt to get an existing plan; else create a new one.
try // Try to find an existing plan.
$plan = \Stripe\Plan::retrieve($plan_id);
catch(exception $exception) // Else create one.
$plan = array(
'id' => $plan_id,
'product' => $product->id,
'metadata' => $metadata,
'amount' => self::dollar_amount_to_cents($amount, $currency),
'currency' => $currency,
'interval' => $interval_term,
'interval_count' => $interval_period,
// This condition in the argument below moves the first regular period out of the subscription when there's an unused trial period.
// Basically, if there's an unused trial, it'll use it, it will always set a trial, even when the site owner didn't mean it.
// This trial will be "free" in the subscription (trialing...). The period is still charged, but separately.
// 'trial_period_days' => $trial_period_days ? $trial_period_days : $interval_days,
// Stop adding the trial for subscriptions that didn't mean to have it.
// To allow paid trials (initial period, different from the regular ones), create invoice item for it right before the subscription,
// so it gets charged in the trial's invoice.
$plan['trial_period_days'] = $trial_period_days;
$plan = \Stripe\Plan::create($plan);
self::log_entry(__FUNCTION__, $input_time, $input_vars, time(), $plan);
return $plan; // Stripe plan object.
catch(exception $exception)
self::log_entry(__FUNCTION__, $input_time, $input_vars, time(), $exception);
return self::error_message($exception);