s2Emails - Send Automated Emails and Renewal Reminders

Hi Gareth!

  • The plugin works with any number of s2 levels (I use 9). The “after expiration” email is prepared and stored right after the registration and is applied to s2 level, not to a subscriber.

  • Yes, expiration depends on EOT. The grace period is not taken into account, but I think you are right, it should be considered. Will be added!

Thank you,


Hello Andre,

Thank you for that, it helped with my understanding of AFTER expiration. Basicly, a member has to pass through that expiration point for it to set up the forthcoming automatic emails. This does cause a slight problem with how to deal with preexisting lapsed member as they do not ‘pass through this expiration point’. There are ways around that.

On another point that is worrying me more. I have been testing what happens when the EOT is changed. When done manually, this does not seem to result in a change to when the automated emails are due to go out. I am concerned that, if someone extends their membership, and their EOT, then this will not cause the automated email times to alter … to be pushed back to reflect the new EOT.

Is it the case that each automatic email can only be sent once? A change in role may cause another automatic email to be set up but I am not 100% sure. In any case, if someone is simply paying their membership fee before it has expired it looks like a new automatic email is not set up to reflect this. Am I correct?

I would find it very helpful to be able to refer to some guidance notes on these points. Something that explains the logic for different set ups or circumstances.

Thank you,


Hi Gareth,

First of all, thank you for all your questions.

Please let me do some tests and improvements and then I will reply your questions in details.

My reply will be here until the end of this weekend.


Hi Gareth,

  • You are right, the plugin doesn’t update the before/after expiration emails if the EOT has been changed manually. This will be fixed soon.

  • We will also update the plugin in a way that it could send multiple before/after expiration emails.

  • We will also update the option to detect already registered users. Right now it only detects already users when a new automated email is created.

  • A guide is a great idea!

Thank you, we will work on it.

Kind regards,


Hello Andy,

Thank you for your response. I am very pleased that you will be working on these things in the future as they are crucial to the workflow in managing my membership site.

I will look out for future updates.

Best wishes,


Almost done, we are just adding the grace time into consideration :slight_smile:

✓ updating pending emails if the EOT has been changed

✓ multiple before/after expiration emails for 1 user

✓ improved detection of already registered users (right now the system detected the users only for automated emails that were created AFTER setting this option)

Hi world,

Andrejstas, i need your help.

My S2 member and S2 Email don’t work together.

I’m explain : the shortcode doesn’t work. Exemple {first_name} {new_password} etc…

Cron problem ? S2 Email configuration problem ?

Thank for your answer.

Hi Bertrand,

could you contact me on andrej (dot ) stas (dot ) net (at dot com)? I would need access to your backend and FTP, and we will check where the problem is.

At the moment I’m not sure where the problem might be. I don’t think it is a cron problem.

Kind regards,


Thanks for your reply,

Mail sending works now and shortcode too. (shortcode don’t work with email test)

I have a question for the forget password fonction.
I would like to use s2 e-mail for forget password email sending.

I create a page with this option (After visiting a shortcode on a page/post) and copy the code ( [s2email_shortcode id_mail=“1”] ) on this page.

S2 Email sent a link to create a new password when the subscriber is login.
But s2Email don’t know the email adresse when logout (that make sense)

I don’t want “wordpress” subject in forget password mail.
Good job this plugin!

Thank you, I’m glad you like the plugin and that the problem with the shortcode is solved. Yes, you are right, the shortcodes are not replaced in the test emails.

Could you please specify the question you have? Was there any problem in the process you described?

How sent lost password link E-mail without wordpress subject? Does s2 email can do this?

Hi Bertrand,

Sorry for the delay.

Yes, s2emails can send an automated email after the registration with a custom subject.

And into this email you can insert the shortcode {new_password} that will be replaced by a link to reset the password.

Hi Andy!

Is it possible for the new version of s2Emails to update the pending email cue to match all of a users current settings/conditions? As opposed to the settings they joined a site with.

The problem with this plug in, as it stands, is it creates all the emails for a certain user when they join a site, and does not update the email cue if a users conditions change such as an EOT or a s2Member level (as Gareth mentioned earlier in this thread).

I hope there is a solution to this as I do love all the new features, but simply can’t use them until this issue is solved.


Hi Mitch, thanks for the message!

I just released a new version where this problem should be fixed. :slight_smile:


Hi Andy,

Thanks very much for listening and working on this for all of us. I have applied the new update and run some tests over the last few days.

There are a few glitches.

  1. If a persons ccap is removed this does not remove a pending email from the email que that is associated with this ccap. (Not huge for me, but thought I’d let you know).

  2. I have a welcome email set up for all members to be sent after registration at 0 days and 0 hours. If a users roles changes from level 1 to level 2 they are sent another welcome email, no matter how long they have been a member for.

3.There is an incorrect (unsubscribe) label on all emails in the pending que. See screen shot.

Please let me know asap if these glitches can be fixed. As you can appreciate emails are very important for my website and i can’t afford to have too much down time.

Thanks again Andy, I hope these are easy fixes, without your plugin s2member would be nowhere near as good.


hey Andrej
i bought the s2email plugin because s2 memebrs gave me a conflict warning in the email config page. but every time i add an email i get a ‘cannot modify header’ error. whats the best way to contact you and get help with this issue?

Hi, I’ve set up renewal emails to be sent 5 days after EOT/expiration date. These worked last year, but aren’t sending this year. If I read the messages above correctly, the pending queue is built only on the original EOT value when a user is created, NOT on the new value if their EOT changes? Or is the latest release supposed to fix that problem?

What happened to this plugin? The website is gone and no updates for over 3 years - is the project dead?

The last update was May 26 of this year. Did you miss that update?

I definitely missed it… Only have a 3 year old version. Do you have a change log?

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