Profile Picture for users?


I am looking for a way to allow users to upload/change a picture on their profile page. So far I figured out, how to get custom fields setup, but did not find anything on how to have a picture displayed.

Thank you for your helping hints,

Edit: I have found this post: Profile image upload? which makes it seem like there is no (native) s2Member function for profile pictures around.

That’s correct. If, like me, you just need what you describe, then Basic User Avatars works very well. As you will have seen, however, @beee has found that Basic User Avatars can be problematic if you want to be able to do more with uploaded avatars.

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It works in 99% of the times I would say…

But for example if you look at this profile.
If I dump the avatar field, it shows this:

If you look at his original avatar at this link, that is big enough to cut all sorts of sizes. Yet only the 96 is saved.

When I dump another user it shows this:

So something is off, but I don’t know what yet… and the plugin is not maintained anymore afaik.

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