Pro-Rated Membership yearly billing

Hi everyone,
I’m wondering if the S2 Framework can be used to set up a yearly prorated membership that bills on the same date each year for example June 1st and pro-rates the membership in month long increments ??

For example it the membership is $120/year and someone joins in May they are Charged $10 for May, then charged a Full Year Membership on June 1st of $120 which renews each year thereafter. memberships for a year cannot be canceled after purchase

If a person joins in December they are charged for Dec, Jan, feb, march, april, May for a total or $60 then charged again on June 1st for a yearly membership of $120

Thats the simple scenario, wondering if it could break down to weeks or even days .032 cents/day or $2.30/week??

I have the free framework installed and wondering if that will work or if an upgrade is necessary

Thank you all for your help


This has been asked and answered here before. Try searching.

the only search result i find is some asking the same question and getting referred to other people for paid work? s2Member Pro user looking for subcontractor

The plugin to handle pro-rates may be useful, but may need to extend to cover “payment on a special date” feature.