"Your account has been updated" instead of Signup Confirmation Email Sometimes

Hi! The Signup Confirmation Email (which we set up under s2Member PayPal Settings) is sent to subscribers (with a copy to myself, as I previously set it up) as soon as they finish payment on PayPal, most of the times, but about 20% of the times those emails are not generated and I can see on my Post SMTP log that a message saying “Your account has been updated” is generated instead, without any information I need my customers to receive.

Now, does anybody know why it happens and how to force the Signup Confirmation Email in all cases or, if not possible, how I can edit that “Your Account has been updated” message to have the information I need my customers to receive upon subscription?

I tracked the auto return and everything else seems to be working properly. The accounts are registered or upgraded to their proper tier as well without issues.

Oh, and this issue started sometime around April or May of 2020. I didn’t have this problem before.

Also, I don’t have the option

“WordPress Dashboard s2Member [Payment Gateway] Options Modification Confirmation Email (Standard/Pro Form)”

Instead, only “Signup Confirmation Email” and “Specific Post/Page Confirmation Email”. I have the free plugin but the KB mentions the Modification Confirmation Email for the non pro version as well, plus if I am not mistaken it was available to change before? https://s2member.com/kb-article/how-do-i-send-an-email-when-the-membership-level-is-changed/

Thanks a lot if anybody knows how to fix this.

Check the users who get the ‘Your account has been updated’ message in the user list and look to see if their registration date pre-dates this email.

I took a glance at the code but it is dense and uncommented so it would take a while to figure this out properly but it looks like the "Your account has been updated: comes when they already have a PayPal profile.

It is not clear if this refers to a s2member profile or a PayPal profile.

So possibilities:

  1. These people were already registered and were upgrading their subscription
  2. You have one subscription level and are differentiating between products / product packages using ccaps
  3. These users have PayPal accounts and are paying via PayPal

Just some ideas.

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Hi! Yes! That’s the context that causes the problem. When the user is already registered on my website with a free account and takes a paid subscription, therefore upgrading their existing account, they get a generic message like below:

From: The Sim Architect [Automatic Message] <MyWebsite’sNoReplyAddress>
To: EmailAddress
Date: 2020-05-27 03:05:52
Subject: Thank you! Your account has been updated.
Delivery-URI: smtp:tls:plain://smtp.server:port

Thanks FirstName! Your account now has access to: Name of The Subscription Plan (Monthly). If you have any trouble, please feel free to contact us. Best Regards, The Sim Architect

Their account is properly upgraded on my site and they have their Role properly updated, but since that generic message doesn’t give the user any instruction they don’t know that they need to contact me manually with some specific information I need to give them access to other content that I currently have to process manually.

I’d like to be able to change this message but there’s no “Modification Confirmation Email” option under PayPal Options. I can only change the “Signup Confirmation Email” or “Specific Post/Page Confirmation Email” templates.

So, my case fits situation 1, the issue happens with pre-existing users that had a level zero (free) account and upgrade their accounts.

I only have one subscription level that I currently use, so users only switch between 0 and 2 (there is a level 1 that I don’t currently use).

The fact the user has PayPal does not seem to interfere.

How can I access the “Modification Confirmation Email” template to change it and make it be active?

It seems that paypal-ops.inc.php is testing for pro_is_installed to allow the user to access the Modification Confirmation Email settings. Weird because it should be a feature also included in the free version if we consider the info from that help page I shared with you above. (I just added this)

Thanks a lot for being around helping everybody @onepresstech!

Found the piece of code that needs changing.


Line 550, I replaced c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::pro_is_installed() with TRUE.

:wink: (not going into further details about what that means, for obvious reasons)

The template that needs changing shows up and I guess that once I edit it the issue will be fixed.

Not sure if my users will be notified when I change their profiles using the back end or if they reach EOT and their account is downgraded to free.

I will do more testing and keep you up to date, but I guess this could be a temporary fix until the plugin is updated…

I don’t expect the plugin will get updated to fix that issue since it is not a bug but rather a feature enhancement. You will likely need to carry this as a private fork and re-sync your Git repo on each update.

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I never used GIT, since I always developed things alone, but I will surely keep track of it on future updates, so I don’t lose my modification :wink:.

EOT and manual changes made to my dummy user profile in the background did not generate emails, yay! Now I will have to wait until someone upgrades an existing account by paying with PayPal to see if the fix works :smiley:

I wish you have a great day!

You can set up a test site with PayPal in dev mode and test out the scenario.

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I did not set up the test but the change worked. Thanks again!