WP 4.9 Update and user-new.php file could NOT be patched

Hello everyone,

I have s2member pro v170722.

After updating to Wordpress 4.9 and clicked in “save” in my s2member multisite (config) I recieved this error.

Your /wp-admin/user-new.php file could NOT be patched. Unverifiable.

I found in olders posts I must apply a patch but I didn’t found anything about this s2member version.

Thank you in advance

I tried to patch after i upgraded to wordpress 4.9.3 and i ran into the same issue. did this affect your website?

I got same problem, and just downloaded a fresh WP package and copied the new user-new.php file from it to my installation. Didn’t mentioned any side effects, so far.

My version is Version 170722 + s2Member Pro v170722 , and I have same issue… I just installed the S2 member Pro and tried to activate it.
wordpress version is 4.9.4
(I have deactivated all other plugins, except the S2member)

I am also having the same issue. I have latest version