WordPress Level won't change after s2 modification

Howdy team,

I have the latest version of s2member-pro. And an older version of WP.
What I am doing is a “payment modification” form level 1 to level anything like a 3.
Using the generated code as I should.

Simply said, the level or role in WP never changes no matter what. A little like WP is broken.
In the checkout.inc file I am doing diags and can see that the $POST var [attr][level] comes in as 1 all the time.

This is becoming a bit of a mysters. I have many days into this now.
We need this because we are using the levels to lockout and then reenable customers.

Can you help me figure what is wrong.


You say you are using an older version of WordPress, exactly what version are you using? Why? By not patching WordPress you are just inviting trouble. There are lies, ■■■■ lies, and statistics, so I won’t quote numbers for you but the vast majority of sites that get hacked are running unpatched versions of one or more applications and WordPress is high up on that list.

Hello JediShark friend.

The reason we are running an older version is that there a few mods in the core that need to be converted to hooks and we have not had the time to convert them over.

Of course we plan to do that.

Can you help us with this problem? I have been inspecting the s2member-pro side but have not looked in the WP side yet.

Specifically in the Checkout portion for Stripe where we see it.


Are you logging s2Member? What is showing up in the logs for the payment gateway?

Hey Pat,

Can you tell me where and in which file s2member-pro/stripe initiates
the modify action to “change” the role in wordpress? If I knew for sure
where that was I could see if it is getting fired.


Dan Mendell
CEO / Syndical
1410 SW Morrison Suite 850
Portland, OR 97205
503-307-1438 cell

Pat D. wrote: