Validate Subscriber before granting access

Is it possible to set up the registration process so I can do some checks on a new subscriber before accepting the new subscriber as a member of my ‘community’? To be more precise, I only want to grant access permissions to AirBnb Hosts in my home City. I want to add an extra field in the registration form where new subscribers can register their active Listing.
The registration process should then be paused until somebody (me) has verified the Airbnb listing and then has approved the request for subscription.

Registered users are at s2member Level0 (Subscriber). Adjust your content so that L0 registered users only see a page telling them that their registration is pending review. Once you have approved them simply change their role to s2member level1 to gain access to all the protected material.

So, rather than gate the registered / not registered state, you gate the registered-level0 / registered-level1 state.