Using just one function of S2Member with an existing plugin


I already have another plugin to handle memberships in WordPress. Is it possible to just use ‘Select Access to Post/ Pages’ of this plugin and for that to not interfere with my existing membership plugin. I am fairly satisfied with the other plugin but S2Member’s paid access to specific posts / pages is quite handy.
Or do I absolutely have to set up some membership level, with S2Member? Anyway to bypass?.

Right now, I am just using this one feature from S2Member and it seems to be interfering with my posts.

Please advise.

Thank you!
Right now,

Hi Ankita.

I don’t think you’d have a conflict, as long as you don’t apply access restrictions from both plugins to the same content… But the best way to confirm that they work side by side without trouble with the setup you want, is to try it and see how it goes.

I look forward to know how it works out for you.

Happy 2020! :slight_smile:

Thank you for reverting, Cristian.
Tried it and unfortunately, didn’t work. Also messes with PayPal capabilities as other plugins also use that as a std. payment gateway.

Happy New Year!