Users disappeared!

We have a training site that was up to 956 members. This morning we started getting emails that recent members could not log in. Turned out that all members who had joined from February 2024 to now (May 2024) had disappeared from the user list. We are working to restore them from backups.

Has anyone else encountered this?

Trying to figure out how this happened. Could be:
User error (we might have accidentally clicked on the wrong things)
S2Member glitch.
WPCourseware glitch
Wordpress glitch
Host/server glitch

We are increasing backup frequency.

Most likely you or your host played in a backup from that date. Host yourself is usually best solution.

Thanks, Felix. What actually happened is similar to that. We had migrated to a new hosting account within the same company, faster, more storage space, etc. Our domains were pointed to the new server and all was well. Then their system, doing some maintenance, changed the DNS record and pointed our domains back to the old server, which still had the old copies of the files. We were able to change the DNS record back to the new server and all seems to be well.