I really hope that there are updates very soon to deal with my issues. Otherwise I’ll have to switch membership plugins because it’s become way too much work to do manually. They are:
When a member cancels the membership from either Stripe or Paypal, sometimes there’s an EOT that is listed. And even then more often than not, the EOT is passed but the member STILL has access to the membership, i.e. remains at level 1 rather than downgraded to subscriber. So every week I have to manually go through Stripe events and Paypal to audit the new members created and cancelled.
When someone joins via Paypal, they click on the purchase button on the site, then are led to Paypal. Once they enter the info they should receive an email to create an account. Half the time they don’t receive the email and they end up contacting me and I have to create their account manually. Would there be a way to make the process to sign up just like it is with Stripe?
The Lost Password feature doesn’t work. Someone will enter the info to retrieve/change the password, but they never receive the email to update.
I hope you can help me with this. Also I if there were consistent updates and reliable customer support, then I would gladly pay some sort of ongoing fee.