Updated framework and pro add on, page restrictions lost

When I updated framework and the pro add on, the page restrictions for levels above the first four were lost. I had to redo close to a hundreds pages of settings. Is there a sequence in updating that preserves all settings?

You should have General Options -> Plugin Deletion Safeguards set to Yes

It is set to yes.

OK. What method did you use to update both parts of s2Member?

first I updated framework and then pro

But how? From within the admin pages, or via FTP? Same for both, or different?

From the admin pages for both
on the wordpress updates page
Thx again

You shouldn’t have problems doing it like that at all.

So two possibilities occur to me. One is that you have something else going on that caused this (e.g. something to do with your host, or a plugin conflict). Only you and your host can troubleshoot that.

The other possibility, which is much more likely if you had customized those roles in some way, is that you need to add this code snippet:

/* Prevent s2member re-assigning custom capabilities on re-activation */    
function remove_all_s2_css() {
	wp_dequeue_style( 'ws-plugin--s2member' );
add_filter( 'ws_plugin__s2member_lock_roles_caps', '__return_true' );
add_action( 'ws_plugin__s2member_during_add_css', 'remove_all_s2_css' ); 

If you already have an s2-hacks.php files, add this code to that file. If not, create such a file in a plain text editor (like Notepad) – don’t use a word processor – and paste <?php right at the top, then paste this in. Then upload it into your mu-plugins folder.

I`m using a plugin called Tribulant newsletter which has extension that
interfaces with S2…
Could this cause the updating to lose data?
Not sure what kind of customization you’re referring to but could the
extension customize the roles in some way?
In any case, I cannot find a mu plugin folder inside of wp-content for my
site or a s2 hack file… Can I simply create a folder with this name inside
wp-content, create the hack file and upload it to the folder?

Yes, that’s what you will have to do.

I’m afraid I don’t know anything about the Tribulant plugin, so I can’t say whether it might have caused your problem.