Unique/simultaneous log ins

I am using Pro version and have set up a forum.
I get this messge:

503: Service Temporarily Unavailable
Too many IP addresses accessing one secure area!
Please contact Support if you need assistance.

I went to https://s2member.com/kb-article/why-are-my-users-seeing-too-many-ip-addresses-accessing-one-secure-area/ . to sort out the issue

I have changed
the unique IP access restrictions to 50
and the
simultaneous log in restrictions to 2

Problem have not changed. The reading of this area seems to refer to U unique IP for 1 customer not across many. Anyways, have done as suggested…

Please advise at your earliest, as I have paying customers on site trying to access…

many thanks

I think it fixed itself… :wink:

I think the cache wasn’t cleared hence the prob.