Hi guys - I have having the same issue with “Unable to verify POST vars”. I have doubled checked the clickbank options and everything looks OK. I can only get 2.1 version working for IPN as v6 says the URL is invalid. All logs look OK except for the clickbank-rtn.log
I also checked the php file and allow_url_fopen is enabled. Please help.
‘s2member_log’ =>
array (
0 => ‘Unable to verify POST vars. This is most likely related to an invalid ClickBank configuration. Please check: s2Member → ClickBank Options.’,
1 => ‘If you’re absolutely SURE that your ClickBank configuration is valid, you may want to run some tests on your server, just to be sure \$_POST variables are populated, and that your server is able to connect to ClickBank over an HTTPS connection.’,
2 => ‘s2Member uses the WP_Http class for remote connections; which will try to use cURL first, and then fall back on the FOPEN method when cURL is not available. On a Windows server, you may have to disable your cURL extension. Instead, set allow_url_fopen = yes in your php.ini file. The cURL extension (usually) does NOT support SSL connections on a Windows server.’,
3 => ‘array (
‘s2member_pro_clickbank_return’ => ‘1’,
‘iv’ => ‘MEEyOEE0QjZCQzk2NDI4Mg==’,
‘params’ => ‘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’,
4 => ‘Redirecting Customer to the Home Page, due to an error that occurred.’,