Triggering PayPal payments for imported subscribers

We launched a website based on S2MemberPro a few months ago.

The subscription levels and payment buttons are set up to use PayPal (standard).

Because the client had an existing subscriber base, I imported the subscribers in the prescribed format from a CSV, which seemed to work OK. They are all assigned to one of two paid membership levels.

However, when users reach their EOT time, they appear to be dropping down to Free Subscribers without being sent a prompt to set up a payment plan.

My question is: is there something we can do to prompt members who do not have an existing payment plan set up to create one before their EOT time is reached?

As you can see from the example user here, all of the fields relating to the this functionality are blank for imported users:


you will need to fill in those fields - you should have that data somewhere. So export all users - add the Paid Subscr. Gateway, Subscr. ID, and Custom Value - e.g in Excel or another spreadsheet program (you could maybe use a function like Vlookup for this) - then reimport all users with the complete data.

Or do you mean they do not get an email about reaching their EOT? that’s easier - there are paid plugins for this e.g. s2emails or s2 renewal reminders by Jonathan Odjar.

[quote=“bookswarm, post:1, topic:5143”]
you will need to fill in those fields - you should have that data somewhere. So export all users - add the Paid Subscr. Gateway, Subscr. ID, and Custom Value - e.g in Excel or another spreadsheet program (you could maybe use a function like Vlookup for this) - then reimport all users with the complete data.[/quote]

Thanks Felix. The issue was, the customers were not paying by PayPal before we moved to the new site / S2MemberPro. But we want to make sure they are paying via PayPal for future renewals.

I am still a bit unsure what i need to put in those fields if the user was not previously on PayPal. Any info much appreciated!

you will need to use plugin like s2emails for sending out reminders. It does not matter how the users paid before.
Watch out - with s2member if people subscribe to a plan - it has to start right now - not at the date of EOT set in their account (in future). So anyone who signs up loses their time paid until EOT.
There are also emails built into s2 - but they are not very flexible.