Stripe Membership Cancel & Reactivate

Hey all,

My question revolves around s2member pro stripe features.

When a user creates an account, s2Member Configuration & Profile Fields are populated in the backend, which includes Paid Subscr. CID and Paid Subscr. ID.

I have had the issue where a user will cancel their account, but come back and reactivate it as a paying user.

At this point, I have to usually manually add a new subscription in stripe because when the user comes to the site it tells them that “there is no active subscriptions to update”. Sometimes the user will go and try to create a new account by going through the checkout process, but since their email is already in use, it won’t let them.

On top of that, if I manually add a new sub in stripe, since it doesn’t change the Paid Subscr. CID or Paid Subscr. ID with the updated information, the user isn’t able to cancel because “there is no active subscriptions to update”.

So my question, how can I allow my users to create an account, cancel when they need, but able to reactivate to paying in the future? Somehow those s2Member Configuration & Profile Fields need to be updated/erased and access level changed, but not sure how.

Thanks for any input!

First you must ask everyone to log in (means, to create his account first), to be possible for s2M to recognize him. Then use “modification” forms/buttons to change user’s level. So after the user cancels, s2M will move him to L0. And then will upgrade to need (may be different) level.