stripe form not visible in billing method

hi ,
has anyone managed to solve the issue of the Stripe credit card # field not being able to receive inputs

i have pro version installed and its input visible in local project but when i try in live then its not visible .
i m useing godady server


Problems with that field’s display (or other pro-form display issues) are usually related to s2’s javascript/css not being loaded successfully. That’d be the s2member-o.php file.

Some security measures block it because it’s in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or because of its long query string, and if you try to load it you’ll likely get a 403 error or similar. See:


If you use cloudflare check your settings. Rocket loader is something that breaks things. There’s a couple of other optimizations that need to be turned off as well. There’s topics in the forum around cloudflare, maybe I was even part of some of those conversations, can’t remember details now besides needing to have rocket loader off. Via page rule, for example, you can have a generic one turning Rocket Loader off for your entire site while also having the IP Geolocation Header On.

If you’re using NGinx you need to have a good security policy that allows content from third party servers to be ran on your site, meaning you have to list stripe’s correct urls as allowed, depending on your CSP Rules (also, long time since I did it, you likely have something similar for Apache, I don’t use Apache for about a decade or so and I was never good at it anyways, always hacking my way through problems and learning how to fix things as I go around… LOL).

I don’t know exactly what product you have on GoDaddy but you might need them to change a couple of things for you if you don’t have access to themselves directly. Including any optimization that might be modifying your code (maybe they have their own rocket loader competitor or perhaps they’re integrated with Cloudflare and you need to modify that setting as Rocketloader is on by default).