Stripe Form Credit Card # Field W/ Cloudflare On?

has anyone managed to solve the issue of the Stripe credit card # field not being able to receive inputs while still using Cloudflare?

When I turn off Cloudflare, and load the site page in an Incognito window, this credit card # field loads fine, with the ability to input the credit card #. Additionally, the payment description I provide through the Stripe form also displays (once Cloudflare is turned off).

Thanks in advance!


Rocket Loader needs to be off.

Please test and let us know. I don’t remember if that’s the correct setting but I am almost sure it is.

It should also help with the PayPal issue you mentioned earlier on another topic.

Thanks for the quick response! I think that might have solved the issue…I’ve turned off Rocket Loader and turned Cloudflare back on…will report if the Stripe credit card field and that payment form description continue working.


Happy I knew the answer to that one.

Have fun setting things up! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks again! The 2 test transactions went through w/o a hitch and now I’ve flipped back to Stripe live mode. Will report again if any other hiccups appear!



Also, if you have any plugin on your wordpress that optimizes code, keep an eye on it. Sometimes you need to make adjustments.

And, on the same topic, in case anybody ever reads this, shortcodes are awesome and I use them instead of php, but there’s times where they can glitch, but the php flavor of “the same” sometimes works well.

Just handy to know in case a shortcode doesn’t work on a specific situation (it rarely happens, but it happens)

Great pts! I had some initial issues w/ the shortcodes and PHP code displaying on my webpage simply as text, but realized that the problem lied w/ how the code broke when I had some of the code opening or closing brackets inserted in the wrong place as a result of table HTML structures.

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