Stripe Cancellation Bug

Uncaught IntegrationError: The selector you specified (#s2member-pro-stripe-form-card-element) applies to no DOM elements that are currently on the page.

I’ve inspected the DOM on my login and with a paid members login, #s2member-pro-stripe-form-card-element is not an element on the page.

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form cancel=“1” desc=“Cancel your card subscription” unsub=“0” captcha=“0” /]

This is on blank page with nothing else but and I’ve disabled ALL other plugins and no element with that ID exists.

It looks like the code that causes the error is in the general stripe card payment scripts?:

// Add an instance of the card Element into the card-element div.

This is looking for this element, if I add a div tag with an ID s2member-pro-stripe-form-card-element then there is no error but a card and expiry date is shown. I don’t think this is not needed for the cancellation system so I can hide the element with CSS but its really horrible.

Can you suggest a fix please.


Hi Nigel.

Thanks for reporting that! I could reproduce it and see the message in the browser’s console. I’ll look at how to prevent it.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

That a relief. When you try and cancel a subscription you get another error:

wp-sentry-browser.min.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘textContent’ of null
at s2member-o.php?ws_plugin__s2member_js_w_globals=3aa11b1fe26e9bdb68f16faf0887f5e1&qcABC=1&ver=210208-210208-764173936:833

I have clients trying to cancel and its not doing it so if you could help resolve that would be appreciated.

I can give you some sort of access to my systems if you need,


Any news on this Cristian? I’ve having to deal with cancellations manually by email. Is there any custom code I can do to this myself?


Can I ask: is this on a road map to fix, or shall I code a work around myself?

I can’t keep dealing with cancellations via email!
