Stripe API version: Confirmation sought


It’s my understanding that the current s2member framework + Pro plugin works with Stripe API 2019-10-08. I’m having a problem with failed webhooks (timing out), and have noticed that my Stripe dashboard indicates I’m using Stripe API 2020-08-27 (set as ‘Default’, see attachment). Could this be a problem?

You can see in the small bar chart to the right of the API versions, that the 2020-08-27 API is not receiving any requests (despite being set as default), while the 2019-10-08 has received some over the past week.

Thanks. My webhooks and new user sign-ups have been unsuccessful since August 31st, so I’m trying to find the cause. The only way I can get webhooks to show as ‘succeeded’ is if I disable the s2member framework entirely.


My default version is 2020-03-02 but it always uses the 2019-10-08
There are however 0 requests on the newer versions. So I don’t know if they work or not.

Did You try to upgrade to the latest and what happens then? There is a 72 hours rollback anyhow.

Hello. Thanks for the reply. No, I’m not going to try to upgrade to the new API until I see that support has been added for that API by s2member. I think I’ve got my site finally working with the default version set the same as yours. So I’m not going to mess with it :slight_smile: