So confused & Lost. PLEASE HELP

I cant figure out how to allow non paypal members to pay using their credit cards. Any help is appreciated.

Two answers. The first is to use the form search function and search for paypal credit card That will give you all the information you need.

The second, and much better, answer is that if you are in a country where Stripe is available, you should use that instead. It’s so much more user-friendly for both you and your members.

Thank you. I did search paypal credit card and I dont see anything that explains how to set it up. I found this Payment through paypal without paypal account?

And this

But I have paypal pro and neither address how to add the credit card without a paypal account with paypal pro… Unless I am missing it.

We are going to need much more information if we are to help. For example:

Are you looking to create recurring subscriptions or one-off, “Buy Now” memberships?

Are you using s2Member’s free or Pro version? (You say PayPal Pro, which implies you have s2Member Pro, but you haven’t expressly said so.)

Can you post the shortcode you’ve tried here?