Shortcode next payment

Hello!! I need to know if there is a shortcode that tells the user when it will be the date of his next payment, I need it to work for paypal and for stripe, if someone can help I will be very grateful, thank you very much, best regards !!

Hi there,
I did a quick search and found this link: end of term shortcode

[s2Eot /]
Output examples:

If an EOT can be determined: Access Expires: Jul 16th, 2025, 12:00 am UTC
Else, if an NPT (next payment time) can be determined: Next Payment: Mar 5th, 2022, 12:00 am UTC
Otherwise it displays nothing.

Hope this does the trick!

Hello, thank you very much for answering.
I had already tried but it does not work, nothing appears where I insert the shortcode, I also tried this but it does not work either.

I don’t know how to get it , but thanks again for your answer :slight_smile:

That won’t work because the EOT is never set for someone with a subscription unless they have missed a payment that is due. (EOTs are set from the beginning for those with Buy Now memberships.)

@tresletras. you have apparently tried what I’d have suggested. Where did you put the code and the shortcode and what happened? “It doesn’t work” provides no information for anyone to be able to help you!

Yes, sorry and thank you for answering.
I put shortcode on a page that I did test and when I visualize the page you can not see anything, it is simply empty as if you had not written anything.
I know the EOT is never set for someone with a subscription but I read in the article “The [s2Eot /] shortcode can be used to display a user’s EOT (End of Term) time; i.e., the date when the customer will lose access. Or, if an EOT cannot be determined, an NPT (next payment time) can be displayed. For instance, if the customer has an ongoing recurring plan, there is no fixed EOT time. In this case, it is more appropriate to display the NPT (next payment time).” but I don’t know if I must add something for the shortcode, I have tried use [s2Eot mode=“fixed” /] for display EOT and works fine when exist an EOT time, and [s2Eot mode=“next” /] for display next payment date but appears N/A in the place that the date should appear, I hope to have explained correctly, thank you very much for the help, best regards!

Have you put the rest of the code anywhere? Without that code, the short code won’t do anything.

wich rest of the code?
If you mean what it says here yes, I have done it but I can not get the date of the next payment

Where have you put that code?

I have created s2-rbp-times.php and I put it in wp-content/mu-plugins

but I thing that is better for my site use the [s2Eot /] shortcode if It can work fine

The EOT shortcode won’t work for you for the reasons I have already explained.

But here says tat if an EOT cannot be determined, an NPT (next payment time) can be displayed. For instance, if the customer has an ongoing recurring plan, there is no fixed EOT time, how can I do it? How can the shortcode display the NPT? Thank you for the help.

But you will note that the explanation says “if it can be determined.” To me, that means that there are no guarantees that it will work, and you shouldn’t rely on it. Don’t use code if you can’t guarantee it will work!

for me that means that if the subscription is active the EOT can not be determined, therefore it should show the NPT. The article say: "For instance, if the customer has an ongoing recurring plan, there is no fixed EOT time. is more appropriate to display the NPT. "
Thank you for the answers
Best regards