"Service Unavailable" page from tinyurl.com registration link

The last three people signing up for my paid one month s2member membership have been unable to either get the registration link to work or to get their password emails after getting in to set up the account. Perhaps there are two separate issues here but so far I’m not confirming from anyone that it’s because the email went to the spam folder.

Here’s an example of a recent link that creates the Service Unavailable

I’m on Apache (again) and my site passes the server scanner test: http://escapeallthesethings.com/s2-server-scanner.php

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.


I’m pretty sure you do have 2 separate issues. The password email not going out and a “Service Unavailable” message are almost sure to be unrelated.

For the password email problem you need to confirm whether the emails are going out by installing an email logger on your website. There are quite a few available. I use Postman SMTP because I always use a transactional email service, but a simple email log plugin will work just fine.

As to the TinyURl problem, have you tried using one of the other URL shortening services? This would help you determine if the “Service Unavailable” is your website or TinyURL.

Thanks for the reply. Well the thing is the Tiny link works and expands to the right url with my domain in it. It’s my domain spitting out the error, not tinyurl.

The problem I do see is how confusing it is on the S2Member Login page to change your password as follows.

Maybe this needs to be a separate thread …

…but I got one user going by changing their password to mine and sending the reset password email to myself and clicked the password recovery link.

The page I was presented with only had:

“Enter your new password below”
[Password field, already filled in with generated unpronounceable password]
[Reset password button]

This is a very confusing page! I can understand why so many users are having trouble. I was not sure what to do myself the first couple times I tried because the instructions are so incomplete with only “enter your password below” and no mention of the password already there, or the button.

Really the instructions on that page should include more details like:

  1. “Either type enter your own custom password or save the password already generated there to the clipboard”
  2. “Click Reset Password”
  3. “Click login”
  4. “At the login page, enter your username. Then enter your custom password or paste the generated password.”
  5. “If you are using the generated password and the browser asks you if you want to save the password, you may want to say yes so you don’t lose the password or have to type it in from handwritten notes”

I’ve updated my page to have something like the above and hopefully more people will navigate the registration and password change process.


Now I’m getting reports from existing members that they can’t login because of the error

Seems to coincide with the 4.7.4 WordPress update

Password reset/Login is actually handled by WordPress core. The only change made by s2Member is cosmetic. Not that I disagree with you about the password reset page.

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