Send welcome e-mail to free trial member?

I offer a fixed-term free registration on my site as here:

Because I allow the user to set a password at the time of account creation and because it is a free trial, they do not get either the New User Email Message OR apparently a standard Signup Confirmation Email. All that goes out is the Administrative New User Notification.

How can I configure things so that the free trial member gets a welcome e-mail, or at the very least the standard signup confirmation e-mail?


Everyone should sign up to a level including your free users. Free users should be level0 paid users should be Level1+

See Free trial before purchase a package

Everyone should sign up to a level including your free users.

Thank you for the reply. My free users are assigned to level 1, but they don’t get an e-mail. I had been assuming it is because no actual payment takes place, but it sounds like you are saying that shouldn’t be true? Here is the form short code:

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form register="1" level="1" ccaps="" desc="Just complete this form to enjoy a 1-day free trial!" custom="" tp="1" tt="D" captcha="clean" /]

You should assign free users to level0.

Welcome email should be delivered when they register. If that is not happening you will need to debug your email to see if it is getting sent or not.