Security key with both .com and .edu domains

hello everyone,

i´m developing my .edu domain with wordpress and S2, to replace my old joomla site that is in a .com domain. When it´s finished i plan to clone this new wordpress website and make a fresh wordpress installation in the hosting where my actual joomla .com website resides now. In fact, i´m planning on keeping the .edu site as a backup site, still online, just in case, but with a redirect to the .com site. So my question is how may i expect the S2 security key to work in the scenario, because it will be used in two websites, one .edu and the other .com. It´s the same business, but for technical reasons it´s obviously two different websites. Should the security key work as well in both sites? or is the security key unique only to the domain where it´s first activated? Any comments on this regard are most appreciated. Cheers.

Hi Paul.

That should be fine. See:


thanks, i hope so, anyway, i just bought the Pro addon. So my concern is really that i´m working to construct the site on one domain to then transfer the website to the final domain, i guess i would just need to re-activate the license number or something of that nature. And in another order of things i need to import users… All i have is a normal excel spreadsheet with rows and columns where the first column is the name, the second the email address and so forth, i have a user in each row. My problem is, the advanced export file of S2 is a CVS, quite different from my traditional excel spreadsheet. Since i have near 3000 users i found nearly impossible being able to copy the data by hand to the CVS file provided. So i guess my question is (have not found it in the KB), how one does transform an excel spreadsheet into the CVS format S2 requires? best regards

Well, to import the users it’s not complicated with the s2 importer. You prepare the spreadsheet and the save it in CSV format (comma separated values).

The only fields required to import users are the username and email address, you’d leave the user ID empty. See:

What you can do is export your current users, so you have the column headers. Then remove the columns you don’t need. Then you fill each column’s rows copying from the spreadsheet you have, and pasting there, column by column. In a simple import you’d just be doing the username and email address, maybe first and last names, maybe a specific user role/level, and so on. Then you save as CSV and upload it to the users importer.

Does that help?
