Save date of ccaps purchase

Hello guys!

My question is this: is there a method to save the date of a purchasing of a custom capabilities?

Only to know what are the users that in a specific period had bought specific ccaps.
Thank you!

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Hi Antony.

There is a log of access, so the time the user got that ccap is saved, but there isn’t an interface for it yet. See: s2member/src/includes/classes/

I have this in my to-do, and have added your vote for this feature.


So, If I’ve understood well, I’ve to find in that log the date of the purchase of that user.

You would look for the user’s times for that access you’re interested in.

 * Gets access capability times.
 * @package s2Member\CCAPS
 * @since 140514
 * @param integer $user_id WP User ID.
 * @param array   $access_caps Optional. If not passed, this returns all times for all caps.
 *    If passed, please pass an array of specific access capabilities to get the times for.
 *    If removal times are desired, you should add a `-` prefix.
 *    e.g., `array('ccap_music','level2','-ccap_video')`
 * @return array An array of all access capability times.
 *    Keys are UTC timestamps (w/ microtime precision), values are the capabilities (including `-` prefixed removals).
 *    e.g., `array('1234567890.0001' => 'ccap_music', '1234567890.0002' => 'level2', '1234567890.0003' => '-ccap_video')`
public static function get_access_cap_times($user_id, $access_caps = array())
	$ac_times = array();
	if(($user_id = (integer)$user_id))
		$ac_times = get_user_option('s2member_access_cap_times', $user_id);
		if(!is_array($ac_times)) $ac_times = array();

		/* ------- Begin back compat. with `s2member_paid_registration_times`. */

		// $update_ac_times = empty($ac_times) ? FALSE : TRUE;
		$ac_times_min = !empty($ac_times) ? min(array_keys($ac_times)) : 0;
		if(($r_time = c_ws_plugin__s2member_registration_times::registration_time($user_id)) && (empty($ac_times_min) || $r_time < $ac_times_min))
			$ac_times[number_format(($r_time += .0001), 4, '.', '')] = 'level0';

		if(is_array($pr_times = get_user_option('s2member_paid_registration_times', $user_id)))
			$role_objects = $GLOBALS['wp_roles']->role_objects;
			foreach($pr_times as $_level => $_time)
				if(isset($role_objects['s2member_'.$_level]) && (empty($ac_times_min) || $_time < $ac_times_min))
					foreach(array_keys($role_objects['s2member_'.$_level]->capabilities) as $_cap)
						if(strpos($_cap, 'access_s2member_') === 0)
							$ac_times[number_format(($_time += .0001), 4, '.', '')] = substr($_cap, 16);
			unset($_level, $_time, $_cap);
		/* ------- End back compat. with `s2member_paid_registration_times`. */

			$ac_times = array_intersect($ac_times, (array)$access_caps);

		ksort($ac_times, SORT_NUMERIC);

		//	update_user_option($user_id, 's2member_access_cap_times', $ac_times);
	return apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_get_access_cap_times', $ac_times, get_defined_vars());

You’ll see there that the cap times are stored separately for each user. So to get users with a certain access in a time period, you’d need to get a full list of the users, query the cap times for each, and then filter them by time range.