S2Member Stripe functionality

Having trouble getting Stripe to pop up when I go to “add Billing Method”…using S2 Pro

Have been told that plugin conflicts can cause this. I use Thrive themes…is only pop up plugin that is installed.

Would that do it…or any other ideas?

thank you

Typically, the conflict takes the form of a javascript problem. Right-click on the page, select Inspect Element and then Console and re-load the page. Are any errors reported?

I have had contractors ( s2 member experienced) look at this and they came up with nix.

Is there an expert in the forum that could help me solve this. I am of course willing to pay.

You need to provide some further details. A URL and a list of plugins you’re using would help. Otherwise there’s no way to quote for the job except by an hourly rate with no guarantees.

Akismet; Wordfence; Yoast; W3 Total Cache, Updraft, Pixel Your site, Catch Ids, Select Widget Context
Woocommerce, etc Active Campaign, WC AC Hook
Thrive Themes etc
BBPress & BBPress Tweaks, Select Login Logout Register Menu, TC Tables Pro, Select Nav Menu Roles
Disqus, Contact 7, WP Mail Logging


OK, I don’t see the Stripe registration form anywhere. I assume you are using it after someone has registered.

Nevertheless (using the method I described above), I can see that your Thrive pop-up has a huge number of javascript errors. If you have this script running on the same page as your Stripe checkout form, it would be a minor miracle if the latter worked.

The only other potentially problematic plugins I see on your list are Wordfence and W3TC. They apparently cause no problems if you select the right settings but, if not, they can cause a conflict.

Stripe registration form?

No… I had a look for it…in plugins nothing. I did have go at Stripe plug in, just in case.

Thrive pop ups are not used on these pages…yet… Will look into that

As for the W3TC & Wordfence…

So are you able to check them out for me?

Able? Yes. Willing for free here (so others can see)? Yes. For a fee? No. I’ll leave that to someone else.

In fact, it’s easy to see if they are a problem. Just deactivate them, clear all caches and test again. Wordfence doesn’t provide much (any?) worthwhile security anyway, and W3TC should not be used on checkout pages or when your members are logged in, so it’s of limited use too on a membership site.

I really don’t understand this, though:

You started this thread by saying you had difficulty when you go to “add Billing Method”. So what is the URL where you were trying that?

Okay…will try what ty suggest…thank you.

You have several errors on that page. The most significant is the first, which says:

ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

Now that is very peculiar because jQuery is automatically loaded by WordPress core. And this is not an error caused by s2Member.

My guess is that another of your plugins (but perhaps your theme) has disabled the version of jQuery that comes with core. When developers do that, it is usually to load jQuery from a CDN instead. It’s a stupid thing to do because it can mess up so many other things. Your site is either a primary example, or else the plugin or theme isn’t even trying to load an alternative.

Until very recently, there was really no way to know what the cause of a conflict like this is except by deactivating all other plugins and switching themes, checking that it all works then as it should, and then turning things on one by one and re-testing until you find the culprit. Now there is a plugin that claims to make this easier: see this thread: Plugin Conflicts

I used the PlugIn Detective and only left S2member and the Table Press plugins active. Did not change the problem. The Add Stripe Billing Method…still dead.

I am using a Thrive Theme …They assure me that they follow the WP Codex religiously. I have still queried them re what you found The JQuery.

Not sure what to do… very frustrating…

I changed the theme to 17… No change

Ah. I think I have found the problem. You are using Cloudflare’s Rocket Loader. You need to turn that off. It’s just a disaster area.

Well, that certainly has woken up the chickens.
That page has (30-days) has changed and died.

At this stage I might just go back to the guy who set it up for me.
He gave up on it … maybe with this he might just sort it out…

Many thanks Tim… Will let you know of course

I have no idea what Rocket Loader is meant to achieve. It causes so many javascript problems.

The page is still there for me. And the jQuery error has now gone. What seems to be happening, though, is that the full form loads and then some of it gets hidden.

I would suggest you try Plugin Detective again now to see if you can find what is causing the rest of the form to get hidden.

Well, that is something!

Tried it… Nothing changed.

One thing you mentioned has got me intrigued… Stripe registration form?

what is that?

By “Stripe registration form,” I simply meant the form that connects to Stripe and is produced by using an s2Member shortcode. The person who set it up for you hasn’t got it quite right, because it is saying:

2995 Months free / then $ USD / One Time (for 1 month access, non-recurring)

That obviously needs amending. It is possible that it is the cause of your remaining problem, so you should redo the shortcode to get it right.

You also still have several javascript errors on that page. You need to eliminate them too. As reported in the browser, they are:

The resource at “https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js” was blocked because tracking protection is enabled.
Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js”.
Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://trackcmp.net/visit?actid=649235425&e=&r=https%3A%2F%2Fforums.wpsharks.com%2Ft%2Fs2member-stripe-functionality%2F4537%2F8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fenglishconfidenceunlocked.com%2F30-days%2F”.
Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://englishconfidenceunlocked.com/wp-content/plugins/activecampaign-subscription-forms/site_tracking.js?ver=4.9.6”.
Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js”.

It looks to me that you are trying to track the activity (even elsewhere) of all those who go on your site, and then are paying the penalty when a browser refuses to allow it.

Thanks muchly Tim

I did notice the shortcode problem of course. …hard to miss.

The tracking conflicts are a bit weird.

That seems to have done the trick… (Cloudfare change)
The tracking issue am still trying to sort out

thanks again