S2member restricting all users including admin after migrating site to new hosting


I recently moved my site to new web hosting and after the move S2member stopped allowing access to all restricted pages. Users that have the correct access levels get redirected to the membership options page. This even happens to the admin account.

Did I miss something in the migration? How can i debug why its incorrectly redirecting users?


It sounds like you haven’t changed the URLs correctly.

Thanks @KTS915,

The domain stayed the same for the move. What should I check to see if that is the issue?

Check the WP Settings page first. Are the URLs there correct?

If you’re now on https, also check that http addresses are being redirected properly in your .htaccess file.

Yes, they are correct.

I’m using nginx so no htaccess here but trying to access any http page does get redirected to https.

OK, they were the easy things to try!

If you can turn on the MOP Vars and then try to access a post protected at level 1, what do you get in the URL?

+1 for MOP Vars. See: Dashboard → s2Member → API / Scripting → Membership Options Page / Variables to learn more about these, because they can help you diagnose problems like this.

MOP Vars are enabled, I’ve installed ezPHP and added the suggested code snippet to my options page but it doesn’t seem to print anything after I’m redirected.

Am I missing something?

I think i’ve figured it out. Some rogue nginx redirects were masking the URI of my protected content.

Thanks all!