s2member protected folder

Hello everyone!

I used the ws plugin s2member files dir filter to protect the entire wp-uploads directory, but I’d like to bypass somehow the protection for images.

Is there a simple way to exclude common image extensions from the protection mechanism?

Thank you!

Just put images that don’t need protection in the regular uploads directory, while using the s2member files directory for things you want to protect.

Unfortunately the site config doesn’t allow me that - wp-uploads must be the protected folder in my case.

Maybe there’s an easy way to exclude images in the .htaccess / mod_rewrite or a mu-plugins hack that would bypass protection for images.

Another thing that doesn’t work ok on my end is the s2member_file_download_key.
If I access directly the link with the download key, the image is displayed correctly.
However, if I use the same link as the image source, browsers will display a broken image instead.

Any ideas if images can be excluded or why my file download key won’t work?

The s2member_file_download_key is for downloads only. If you want a more flexible way of accessing files, look at the methods under Basic Download Restrictions. (What you are using is under Advanced Download Restrictions.)