s2Member Pro (Login Widget) does not appear on the homepage when a user is not logged in

Hi all (including Cristian),

On my website, I use the “s2Member Pro (Login Widget)”, which is displayed within my Main Sidebar. This widget displays a “Login Form” if the user is not logged in, and a “Profile Summary” if the user is logged in.

Today I noticed that, if a user is not logged in, then the above widget (i.e. the “Login Form”) displays on all pages and posts except the homepage (note: my homepage is set as “a static page” within the Wordpress settings). In contrast, if a user is logged in, then the above widget (i.e. the “Profile Summary”) displays on all pages and posts (including the homepage).

For info, the other widget that I use (note: the “Recent Posts” widget) displays on all pages and posts (including the homepage). As such, the fact that the “s2Member Pro (Login Widget)” disappears from the homepage when the user is not logged in seems like an error. For info, I’m using the “Classic Editor” and “Classic Widgets” plugins, but I’ve found that this issue remains the same when I deactivate all plugins (i.e. except “s2Member Framework” and “s2Member Pro”).

Also, I only noticed this issue today after I updated to v220421 (from v210526) - however, I’m not sure whether it was previously an issue that I didn’t notice, or whether it’s a new issue after updating to v220421.

Is anyone else experiencing this same issue?


Well, that’s weird. Yesterday, the “s2Member Pro (Login Widget)” disappeared from my homepage whenever I was not logged in - however, today it’s always visible on my homepage (which is what I want).

For info, yesterday I tried the website via Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox - and the issue was the same on all 3. Also, I haven’t updated anything on the website since yesterday.

I’m guessing that it might have been an issue with my web host’s caching system.

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It does sound like a caching issue. Check what caching plugins you have and perhaps disable them.

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Thanks Gerard.