S2Member Pro and Ultimate Member

I have a site that I need a detailed and extended profile that had a customizable profile and headed or cover image area.

My question is if anyone knows of s2 pro and Ultimate member are compatible or if there was another plugin anyone knew of that would accomplish this?

Thanks in advance

I’ve tried to combing s2 with lots of profile plugins, but haven’t found a solution either.

I’m interested to know if there’s something out there.

I think the main concern is that s2 stores custom user data in a way that’s different than other plugins expect because they expect it in their own ways.

s2Member lets you add custom profile fields for users. WP Admin > s2Member > General > Registration/Profile Fields

customizable profile and headed or cover image area.

Do you mean adding images to the user’s profile? That’s not something s2 does. I know there are plugins for just that, but I haven’t tested their compatibility. If they let your users upload their images, you can use those in a custom profile page, and use s2’s s2Member-Profile shortcode for the form. WP Admin > 2Member > General > Member Profile Modifications

I hope that helps. :slight_smile: