S2member EOT is weired e.g. 2/3/2287

Hi Support,

While user registration, EOT set a weird date like 2/3/2287. it was randomly.

Can you please check and let us know how to fix it


Hello Support,

Please check it


That’s one odd behavior… Do you have more info on it? I can’t begin to troubleshoot it without more details.

While troubleshooting, it’s helpful to enable logging so you get more info. WP Admin > s2Member > Log Files

Can you reproduce the behavior? Please tell me the steps to follow to see it on my tests site.

Was it just one customer or several? If several, can you see something they may have in common?

If you are using Stripe, can you look for the webhook log related to that customer?

Was the EOT time set because of a limited access buy-now transaction, or a subscription that ended? What are you selling?
