S2member 170722 vs WP 4.8.1

Hi all,
Maybe a stupid question but i cannot find the answer : are 170722 framework+Pro compatible with WP 4.8.1 ?
Thanks guys

Yes. Never pay attention to WordPress.org about what is compatible. It is completely unreliable.

Thanks Tim for your quick answer

For now i’m WP 4.1.3 with s2framework Version 150311 + s2Member Pro v150311
and i tried to to the upgrade to 170722 simply by cliking on “automatic update” …

The result is :

  • update successful
  • “s3Member(Pro)” disapeared from my WP admin menu !!

Can anyone help me ?

I goes back to previous status grace to my backups.

Perhaps it doesn’t like updating from such an old version.

Log in to your s2Member account with WebSharks and download the Pro plugin.

Now make sure your site is on the latest version of the framework plugin. Then upload the Pro plugin using FTP just as you did the first time you installed it.

OK, but what about my datas = installing as the first time will make my datas lost ?

No. Your data is stored in the database. You will just be updating files. And you can always make a backup first anyway.

OK boss :slight_smile: i’ll upgrade WP to 4.8.1 then upgrade s2Pro to 170722