S2if Enclosed Stripe Cancellation Form Throws Stripe JS Error

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)]
[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form cancel="1" desc="This will cancel your account. Are you sure?" unsub="0" captcha="0" /]

Throws JS error in js.stripe.com/v3/:

Uncaught IntegrationError: The selector you specified (#s2member-pro-stripe-form-card-element) 
 applies to no DOM elements that are currently on the page.
Make sure the element exists on the page before calling mount().
at t.<anonymous> ((index):1:282684)
at t.mount ((index):1:76459)
at setupProForms (s2member-o.php? 

at stripeCheck (s2member-o.php?


In s2member-o.php, you need to check if #s2member-pro-stripe-form-card-element exists before running scripts on it.