[s2Get user_field="my_field" /] stopped working


I am new to s2 member (pro), I generally like it. I have just upgraded to v241216 (Framework and Pro) from v241114 (Framework and Pro) and none of my [s2Get user_field=“my_field” /] short codes now work? Anyone else have this problem?

Thanks in advance,

Thanks for reporting that, Rob!

I’ll take a look at it to fix it in the next release. You can use the previous version in the meantime if you want.


yes, this has stopped for me as well.

Till it gets properly fixed this does the same job

function s2GetPro_shortcode($atts) {
	$atts = shortcode_atts(array(
		'user_field' => ''
	), $atts);

	$user_id = get_current_user_id();
	$custom_fields = get_user_option('s2member_custom_fields', $user_id);

	return $custom_fields[$atts['user_field']];
add_shortcode('s2GetPro', 's2GetPro_shortcode');
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I sent you a few private messages during the past couple of months but I am unsure if you’re reading them.

I was unable to email you as well.

Just letting you know in case you’re unaware.

If I don’t get an answer I will assume it’s intentional and I won’t waste my time here.

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Hi Sim! Wasn’t intentional. I’ll look for them now.

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Nice, Gerard. :slight_smile:

I’ll improve this in the next release.

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Rob and Gerard, I made a release today that includes a fix for the custom fields in s2Get. https://s2member.com/s2member-v250214-now-available/


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