[s2eot /] not working for recurring payments with PayPal Pro

[s2eot /] not working for recurring payments with PayPal Pro (I think Payflo edition). It is returning “N/A” or nothing, depending upon options. Th documentation says this is “Fully Supported” with PayPal Pro and/or PayFlo. Am I missing something?


It’s possible PayPal changed something that affects this.

Could you please enable s2’s logging, see if you can reproduce the behavior, and then check if you can find in the API logs an entry related to it? WP Admin > s2Member Pro > Log Files > Configuration


Will do, but it is not as simple as I thought. It appears that some memberships that were changed to auto-renew using Pro-Forms are still showing [type] => fixed, even though they were renewed with recurring payments and the PayPal Paid Subscr. ID is a recurring code (begins with “RP”). I have turned on logs and will get back to the forum with my findings.

Found a workaround. Thx.

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