s2Emails - Send Automated Emails and Renewal Reminders

Hi Ross!

Thank you for your interest in the plugin!

The plugin sends emails via the native wp_mail() function; I haven’t tested sending the emails with Sendgrid.

However, I found this plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/sendgrid-email-delivery-simplified/) and its description says:

SendGrid’s WordPress plugin replaces WordPress’s default wp_mail() function by using either an SMTP or API integration with SendGrid to send outgoing email from your WordPress installation.

So I think after installing this plugin you should be able to send the emails from s2Emails via SendGrid, but as I said, I cannot guarantee it will work.

If you wish, you can purchase the plugin and test it. If it doesn’t work, I will refund you the payment.

Just to let you know:
In 7 days I will upgrade my website www.s2emails.com and also the plugin. Now it will be possible to send emails also:

  • after expiration
  • after visiting a shortcode on a page/post
  • there will be no limitation until when you can send the emails; it can be even one year after registration/expiration/visiting a shortcode

I will also increase the price of the plugin.

I have been testing the new version of the plugin on my website (www.presta-theme-maker.com), and it works great! :slight_smile:


Thanks, I will make the purchase now.
Ross Waters

Thank you, please let me know how it works.

Hi Andrej,

I installed the pro plugin and it worked with our APIs. Love the plugin so far, should be worth more than I paid for it so I thank you for developing it and making it so affordable.

I will get in touch with you in the next couple days via your website.

Thanks again,
Ross Waters

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Hi Ross,

Perfect, glad to hear that! Did you also use the SendGrid plugin?

I had my own API made to work with their system and that worked well. I did just install their plugin just a few minutes ago to see if I like it better and I do, it gives me statistics on opens, clicks, bounces and spam reports without the need of logging into my account. This is much easier as it is a pain to use their site. I can confirm it works with SendGrid Version 1.10.2

I didn’t know they had this so thanks for sending the link, made my great day even better.

Talk to you later and thanks again for making this awesome plugin.


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Sorry guys about the delay. I have some great news now!

A new version of s2Emails is here!

  • send emails after registration
  • send emails before expiration
  • send emails after expiration
  • send emails after visiting a special shortcode on a page/post

Next features that will be added:

  • send emails after renewing an account
  • send emails after changing a role
  • send emails after adding a new CCAP


And not just that - we have moved our website to:


The reason is simple - we plan to keep creating addons for s2member to make your membership site even more awesome!

Right now we are in the middle of creating of s2Payments. A plugin that will display all payments made on your membership site. Check it here: https://s2plugins.com/s2payments-plugin/


Soon we will update the plugin with a new function: send automated emails after a user changes his role!

You can define specific groups of “old” and “new” roles for this new automated email and if the user’s role has changed and fits the conditions, he will receive an email after:

  • X days and X hours
  • X days AT X hour

Some use cases:

  • send an email after a subscriber purchases membership
  • send an email after a user with a specific role become a subscriber
  • send an email after a user changes his role from one role to some other

Coming soon :slight_smile:

I just noticed that the plugin had an update. Do I really need to delete the tables in the database? Whats the downside of leaving them in the system?


Also will you be adding features that pertain to a defined ccap.

I would really like it if I could create an email to send everyone that has ccap EXAMPLE1 and have it send something I created out at a given time. This way I could get survey to the correct users, let people know that another product might interest them if they own ccap EXAMPLE1. I also use ccaps to notify users via the web about things related to their accounts. If I could send them an email too about the ccap they own that would be helpful.

I am thinking you could do it by ccap search field so you could add your own field to it. You could make it so it would automatically trigger the email at that time. Manual triggers would be great too, like search users then send to that group in 24 hours.

We sell future ccaps all the time that are not yet out, having sometime like this would make it easy to trigger the email once it has been created for them and to make sure the ones that own it are the only ones getting it…


Hi @andrejstas this plugin looks great. Does it send HTML emails? One of the problems we had with S2 is the built in emails are only text based and you cant even include an HTML link.

Hi Ross,

I would recommend waiting for a few more days, soon we will update s2emails again. We will also add auto-update function.

Yes, it will be necessary to remove the old tables. This one last time. The structure has changed and we also added new ones.

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Yes, this is definitely on the list!

It will be possible to send emails to users with specific roles who purchased specific CCAPs.

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@AgencyAZ Thank you! :slight_smile: yes, it does! You can also create some simple HTML in the s2emails wysiwyg editor, but if you want something more complicated (centered text, two column emails…) you have to prepare these emails before inserting the HTML into the editor.

@andrejstas I dont know if this is in conflict with your plugin, but is there any chance capabilities can be expanded to have it be a link to Mailchimp? Mailchimp is the mainstream email software most of our clients use for all their regular emailing. While your plugin is awesome, what we want is to be able to email through Mailchimp to take advantage of all its reporting, customization and automation. Anything on your horizon to connect s2 and maiilchimp? Or are you open to custom dev jobs for this?

Hi Andrejstas

I downloaded the updated plugin yesterday and now the attention description is gone from my account on the site. What DB fields am I suppose to delete? I guess I should have written them down before I downloaded the newest plugin.


@andrejstas are you saying we can send HTML emails in the s2 email tool or in your tool? We’ve found all the s2 emails (i.e. autoresponders when someone registers) will only allow us to put text only.

Sorry, this is not possible. You cannot create “an automated s2email” and send it via Mailchimp - that is not how Mailchimp works, and for now, we don’t plan to make a connection to Mailchimp as well.

You can send HTML emails by choosing this option. But I wanted to recommend to create the HTML email outside of the editor.

Hi Ross,

if you were using the old version (1.x) of s2emails, please remove this table:

  • s2emails

And install the plugin again. The reason is that we have completely revamped the tables in the DB.

In around 10 days we will upload a new version of the plugin, and you will have to update the DB manually because we will add a new option to send the emails when a user’s role has been changed. :frowning:

However, this time it will be easier and without the need of deleting tables - you will only add one new column.

This will be the last update with all this hassle. Now we have built in auto-updates that will do all the work for you in the future.

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@andrejstas is this a screen shot from your tool or s2?

Actually it is possible to create an automated email in mailchimp IF s2 can be configured to add members to mailchimp groups. However it doesnt look like any plug in or API exists that does this now. I’m actually looking to get this custom built.