S2 suddenly not working

S2 seems to have stopped working in a number of ways around the beginning of the month. I have not changed any settings during this period of time, so I am not sure where the error may lie.

First, payments for some member levels are not being processed. S2 directs users to PayPal with the correct invoice totals, but the user is redirected back to my page when they press the checkout button in PayPal without payment being processed. Initially I thought it was a PayPal issue. However, the entire process works for other member levels, so I suspect it has something to do with S2.

Second, expiration reminder emails are automatically sent to go out five days and one day prior to the EoT. Again, I changed nothing in the settings. My email logs indicate that emails stopped being sent out automatically at the beginning of the month. This happened to fall between the fifth and first leading up to a user’s EoT, so the fact that the first reminder went out but the second one did not suggests a problem with S2.

I am running Wordpress 5.2 and Pro version of S2 v170722. If there other details that may be relevant please let me know. Has anyone else experienced this or know a solution?

edit: I also just noticed that members who should have hit their EoT are not being automatically downgraded. It seems the entire system has suddenly stopped functioning.

Hi John.

That’s very interesting. Have you changed anything around that time that you noticed it behaving differently? Did you update something? E.g. WordPress, PHP, plugins, theme…

Did you enable logging to get more info from those failed transactions? WP Admin > s2Member > Log Files

Have you done troubleshooting? Plugin or theme conflicts, for example.

Are those subscriptions or buy-nows that the customers bought and are about to expire? Are those reminders for end-of-term or next-payment-time? Meaning, did they get an EOT time set, or it’s just reminding them of the next payment in an active subscription?

In one of those customers with the problem, could you check the subscr ID in their WP profile and in your PayPal account and see if they match? PayPal has been changing the subscr ID format and maybe this is related to the behavior you’re getting.

Any other detail you can think of?

I look forward to your update. :slight_smile:

Hi Christián,

Thanks for the quick response. I believe S2 was updated when the newest version was pushed. However, I only updated Wordpress to 5.2 within the last day or two. Oddly, I just tried a test purchase again and it worked, so it may have been a conflict between the newer version of S2 and an older version of Wordpress.

That not withstanding, I did not yet try troubleshooting since I had not added/updated any other themes or plugins. My memberships are buy-nows, and the reminders are for end-of-terms that were about to expire. No subscriptions at all.

I checked the S2 PayPal logs and they show ‘ACK’ => ‘success’. However, those users did not become registered members. Because they are not making it into the member database they are not assigned a subscriber ID as far as I can tell.

PS: I replied initially via email yesterday and got an email today stating that the message could not be posted to the forum. Specifically, “The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect” and it timed out.

That’s good.

I checked the S2 PayPal logs and they show ‘ACK’ => ‘success’. However, those users did not become registered members.

Are you making the sale with a pro-form or button? The pro-form will create their account at the time of checkout, the button will need them to go register on your site after checkout.

payments for some member levels are not being processed. […] However, the entire process works for other member levels

Can you still reproduce this behavior or not anymore?

Can you make a list of the ones that don’t seem to work, and can I see the shortcodes you’re using for those? And which do work, and what is different about them?