I read several topics about the fact that Stripe designates as the “trial period” the first recurrence of a s2Member subscription even without a trial period, but for me it’s not just a designation…
My problem is that despite the following metadata guidelines: “recurring”: “true”, “recurring_times”: “2” sent to Stripe for a 3 month subscription without trial, Stripe charges 4 times instead of 3 (1 time during the initial purchase, normal, then 3 recurring payments instead of 2… which makes 1 payment too much and gives access 1 month too much before the automatic EOT access.
The shortcode used is however in the same configuration as the one for the PayPal platform which works perfectly well.
I think there is a real problem in the configuration with Stripe, which creates a trial period when there should not be any…
Here is my used shortcode:
[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form level=‘1’ ccaps=’’ desc=’ Formule 3 mois’ cc=‘EUR’ custom=‘mywebsite.com’ ta=‘0’ tp=‘0’ tt=‘D’ ra=‘10’ rp=‘1’ rt=‘M’ rr=‘1’ rrt=‘2’ coupon=’’ accept_coupons=‘0’ default_country_code=‘FR’ captcha=‘0’ accept=’’ cancel=‘0’ modify=‘0’ register=‘0’ update=‘0’ success=’/bienvenue/?prenom=%%first_name%%&email=%%payer_email%%’]
Can you help me to solve this very serious problem for my customers?
Thanks in advance, best regards. Brice.