Protecting PDFs using S2Member for member level 1 only

Hi - how do I set things up so that a PDF on my server is only accessible via a member level such as member level 1?

Take a look at the documentation here: WP Admin -> s2Member -> Download Options -> Custom Capabilities and Member Level Files

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Christian! - I’m looking at th membership levels option at the bottom there - do I need to create a subdirectory /s2member-files/access-s2member-level-x/? If yes, do I upload the PDF to that subdirectory? Thanks for clarifying! :slight_smile:

Just put that pdf in the folder /s2member-files/ should have created it already for you in the plugins/ directory and its protected, can be served with the short codes to appropriate level of member you designate in code or/and page you put link on.

Yes, you need the subdir to specify the level. :slight_smile: