Prorations and Changing from Monthly to Yearly


I am having some trouble with my initial setup. I have redone it about 3 times and keep remembering things that need to happen and am unsure how to achieve these.

We are a nonprofit using s2member as a "donation type membership. We eventually plan to add more website functionality and acess. Just so we are ready fort he future we are connected to buddypress as well as paypal and mailchimp.

We plan to offer the following “levels”

Free Member
Family (I understand that you cannot have more than one account set with a subscription and will utilize the discount code for a second account.)
Foundation Individual
Small Business Member
Small Business Leader
Small Business Founder
Corporation Member
Corporation Leader
Corporation Founder

So a total of 10 including the free sub.

I want to have some with ooptions to choose monthly subscriptions recurring and some yearly recurring ansd some yearly nonrecurring. I can only figure this out by creating Levels for each of these options withthat said I have come to this solution.

25 levels. (About 3 are just tossed in there just in case for the future but will not be available publiclly.

Level 0 Free Year Recurring
Level 1 Ind. Member Yearly Nonrecurring
Level 2 Ind. Member Yearly recurring
Level 3 Fam. Yearly Nonrecur
Level 4 Fam Year recur
Level 5 Foundation Mem Month Recur
Level 6 Foundation Mem Year nonrecur
Level 7 Foundation Mem Year recur
Level 8 Sm Biz Mem Month Recur
Level 9 Sm Biz Mem Year nonrecur
Level 10 Sm Biz Mem Year recur
Level 11 Sm Biz Lead Month Recur
Level 12 Sm Biz Lead Year nonrecur
Level 13 Sm Biz Lead Year recur
Level 14 Sm Biz Founder Month Recur
Level 15 Sm Biz Founder Year nonrecur
Level 16 Sm Biz Founder Year recur
Level 17 Corp Mem Month Recur
Level 18 Corp Mem Year nonrecur
Level 19 Corp Mem Year recur
Level 20 Corp Lead Month Recur
Level 21 Corp Lead Month Recur
Level 22 Corp Lead Year recur
Level 23 Corp Founder Month Recur
Level 24 Corp Founder Year nonrecur
Level 25 Corp Founder Year recur

These ar all set as subscriptions.
I want to be able to let them change from monthly billing to yearly billing if needed oor preferred AFTER they have already slelected one of them Like a Modification?
ALso if they change to a higher sub I want them to prorate.
Example, if an Ind. Member is charged $35 for a year and six months in they want to upgrade to a family membership at $60 then they should only be charged a additional $25. or If an Ind. upgrades to a Foundation at $600 then they should be only charged an additional $565. And so on.

However, If they are charged monthly, for conveinence of that payment method, how would they be prorated or calculated if a Idv. at a monthly rate transition and be prorated to convert to a yearly rate?

I have reviewed documentation and cannot find info on this nor can I find it online.

Hope you all can help. THanks!

See this: and this:

As you will see, these forms don’t allow for prorations as such. The previous subscription is simply canceled and replaced with the new one. The closest you can can get is allowing for a grace period with the new subscription.

You’ll need some custom code for true prorations. But here’s an example:

I send you PM with an offer.

Hi Brandon. Im wondering if you had any luck with the prorating. were trying to do pretty much the same thing as you now. I was wondering if you could share your php code?

Now there is a plugin to handle pro-rates.