Pro Form Attributes

Is there documentation for all the pro form attributes? I’m specifically looking for the definition of the following: modify=“1”, rr=“BN”,lc,rrt,rra?

Would PayPal pro forms have more attributes than Stripe?

I’m switching from PayPal to Stripe and there seem to be more/different attributes in my Rejoining payment form for PP than Stripe?

The new Stripe payment form rejects old members due to existing email address. Wondering if adding modify=“1” will fix this?

Hi Earl,

You can find the attributes explained lower on the same page with the pro-forms: Wp Admin > s2Member Pro > Stripe Pro-Froms > Shortcode Attributes Explained

there seem to be more/different attributes in my Rejoining payment form for PP than Stripe

Which ones did you notice? Can you share both shortcodes to look them over?

The new Stripe payment form rejects old members due to existing email address.

That’d happen if they’re trying to pay while logged out, then the pro-form is also a signup form, and if they already have an account with that email address, you get that message. The solution is to have them login first, and then make the payment, then their account will just be updated with the new access.


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On the same note, before I forget, so you know, if the user used one currency and they try to start a new subscription using another one, on Stripe, it will give an enigmatic error message telling the potential (re)subscriber to contact the website owner instead of just telling the user they must use the same currency as before.

I accept 3 currencies and I have that happen every now and then.

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