Previous subscription time not being honored (how to add time)

What proform do I use to enable people to log in and then purchase an additional year to their membership that adds the time to their previous membership?

I must be doing something wrong as people can buy a new year, but S2member or Paypal is not adding the new year to their old membership. It is simply creating a due date based on the date of purchase.

And a related question, can I modify EOT within S2member by simply creating and EOT with the correct time. For example, if Paypal shows a renewal date of October 5th, but the modified EOT shows November 5th will Paypal wait a month before charging?


Hi Ryan!

What proform do I use to enable people to log in and then purchase an additional year to their membership that adds the time to their previous membership?

I must be doing something wrong as people can buy a new year, but S2member or Paypal is not adding the new year to their old membership. It is simply creating a due date based on the date of purchase.

Are you selling those years with a buy-now? In your EOT configuration, enable the setting to auto-extend fixed terms. WP Admin > s2Member > Stripe Options > Auto EOT Behavior > Fixed-Term Extensions

And a related question, can I modify EOT within S2member by simply creating and EOT with the correct time. For example, if Paypal shows a renewal date of October 5th, but the modified EOT shows November 5th will Paypal wait a month before charging?

No. PayPal manages the renewals of subscriptions, not s2. PayPal will charge it at its scheduled time. s2 will apply the EOT behavior at the time of the user’s EOT, if one is set in his profile.

See also:

Does that help? :slight_smile: