Hi Cristián and really thanks for answering!
I will go direcly to answer your questions:
We have URI exclusion only for home page and for login page. We have the home page because menus got corrupted in fronpage, after doing this, only menus in single job offer pages got corrupted and in frontpage where all listings showed up, web menus showed well.
We don´t have dinamic menus, we use flexsqueeze 2.0 premium wordpress theme, since a lot of years ago, since verion 1.0.
This happens to all users, logged admins and users navigating in the site.
There isn´t one user seeing a menu from another, they all get mixed in top of the site, For example if in footer there is the cookies page, privacy page, blog page and all others, and in mobile there is home, jobs, seekers registration, companies registration, etc… and in top menu (principal), there a few too, they all get mixed into one HUGE menu, with tons of links to pages, so gets really weird.
We have disabled the HTML compression too, but everything looks the same.
We disabled Comet Cache and stopped doing this.
After turning on Comet Cache, things came back againg with menu problems.
Yesterday we configured Comet Cache to autoclean caches every 2 minutes and stopped breaking menus, as cleans every 2 minutes, but for this we don´t really take advantage of Comet Cache, as we used to have it to autoclean every 7 days.
And about logged in users, doesn´t mind, as we tested logged in and logged out and things are just the same.
My question would be, If I don´t catch some part of Flexsqueeze theme, maybe would stop doing this? But I´ve tryed to not cache:
wp-content/themes/flexsqueeze2/header.php (didn´t solved it)
wp-content/themes/flexsqueeze2/admin (didn´t solved it)
wp-content/themes/flexsqueeze2/index.php (didn´t solved it)
and so lot of others, with no luck.
Maybe there is someplace for not catching menus?
There is something we can´t find that makes this menus to be mixed, so when we disable the Comet Cache works fine, when we enable Comet Cache and clean cache works fine, but when the page starts getting cache after a few minutes/hour all menus get mixed untill we clean cache again.
Hopefully you can help us, as you probably know a lot more than us.
Thanks Cristián!