Prevent ">" to be converted into >


I am trying to use

Drip content to Members that started paying you at least 30 days ago.

It’s a sample code from documentation but it doesn’t work. I don’t get the text “Drip content …” I exactly get the same 3 lines in the output, as if they where no proccessed.

I have seen that the editor converts “>” into & gt; and it doesn’t matter if I use just visual editor.

I guess this issue should be easily fixed but I’ve been hours googling and I’m not been able to find a solution.

Of course, I’m using s2Member Pro.

I’ll thank any help.

Thank you

I have found this…

s2Member → Restriction Options → Simple Shortcode Conditionals → Arbitrary PHP Code via [s2If php=""].

It doesn’t prevent wordpress to replace the simbols but it doesn’t appear to be a problem for execute the code.

So… this issue is solved for me.