Post is being protected, but on wrong page!

Using S2Member Pro v190822

I have a set of posts which are all in the same category, and I’m trying to protect them using Custom Capabilities.

I also have another summary type of page which shows all of these posts and their thumbnails. My intention was that from the summary page, the user would click on a post and then (if they weren’t allowed to see the post) they would be sent to the S2Member Membership page.

However, what is happening is that, when I specify a Custom Capability on the individuall post, for some reason that post no longer shows up on the summary page.

I’m using the Avada theme.

Hi Bernie.

Take a look at this setting, and see if changing it helps you with that: WP Admin > s2Member > Restrictions > Alternative Views


Hi Cristian,

Brilliant, that fixed it, thanks ever so much, really appreciate your help.


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