PHP Notice: Undefined index: x_subscription_id

  • On WordPress 5.2.2 and nginx
  • Upgraded from s2member pro v170722 to v190617
  • Added Authorize.Net signature key
  • Authorize.Net test transaction was successful, but the following PHP notices were logged in debug.log
[23-Jun-2019 02:17:19 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: x_subscription_id in /home/sites/ on line 70
[23-Jun-2019 02:17:19 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: x_subscription_id in /home/sites/ on line 122


Hi TJ.

Thanks for reporting that! Could you please show me the corresponding s2Member log entry for that notification? WP Admin > s2Member > Log Files

Thank you! :slight_smile: