Paypal Subscription Has No Name?


I’m working on a subscription site and we are running through basically a dummy account to make sure it’s all functioning. We just tried to run through canceling a subscription to see how that works.

For the subscriber, in Paypal under automatic payments and there was nothing with the name of the subscription or website or anything named our specific membership in their list. There was a payment with no name on it that matched the dates and payment. But why was there no name/description attached?

This is the shortcode for our level 1 sign up. Am I missing a section to add a name to the subscription on the Paypal side?

[s2Member-PayPal-Button level=“1” ccaps=“Kiss Level” desc=“Kissing Kin by Elouise East - Kiss Level – Monthly Subscription” ps=“paypal” lc="" cc=“USD” dg=“0” ns=“1” custom=“” ta=“5.00” tp=“30” tt=“D” ra=“5.00” rp=“1” rt=“M” rr=“1” rrt="" rra=“1” image=“$5/month&f=Open+Sans-Bold&ts=14&tc=000&hp=26&vp=16&c=8&bgt=gradient&bgc=eee&ebgc=a9b8c3&bs=1&bc=569” output=“button” /]

Hi Sage.

If you haven’t yet, please enable logging and reproduce the behavior. Maybe we can get some insight into the problem. WP Admin > s2Member > Log Files

That button generation URL looks weird, I don’t know if it could be causing some problem with the output code. Could you try not using a custom image for a test, and see what happens?

Do you have button encryption enabled in your configuration (s2Member’s and PayPal’s)? WP Admin > s2Member > PayPal Options > Account Details > Enable Button Encryption

I do have log files on but I’m not sure exactly which one to look at for the proper information. What do you need to see from it?

I’m having my test subscriber try subscribing with a default button instead of a custom one.

I do have button encryption enabled.


I’m having my test subscriber try subscribing with a default button instead of a custom one.

Is this a button you got from Paypal, or one you create with s2’s shortcode for it?

Did you test with the regular button instead of that custom URL in the image attribute?

Oh, see… when you said “default button” you meant the image, not the code?

I do have log files on but I’m not sure exactly which one to look at for the proper information.

Could you show me the core-rtn and core-ipn ones? You can send me a private message here (click on my name and then the message button).

I’m using the shortcode for a paypal button created by s2. I just had a new test done that used exactly what s2 generated for me. It still doesn’t show up in paypal with any name or information attached.

Here’s the code used
[s2Member-PayPal-Button level=“1” ccaps=“TEST Kiss Level” desc=“TEST Kiss Level – daily Subscription TEST” ps=“paypal” lc="" cc=“USD” dg=“0” ns=“1” custom=“” ta=“0” tp=“0” tt=“D” ra=“0.01” rp=“1” rt=“d” rr=“1” rrt="" rra=“2” image=“default” output=“button” /]

I don’t see a “message” button anywhere when I click on your name or go to your profile.


I sent you a message, so you can reply there with the logs.


Thanks for the logs. I reviewed them, but don’t see the subscription name missing, I see the item name shown in the entries…

For the subscriber, in Paypal under automatic payments and there was nothing with the name of the subscription or website or anything named our specific membership in their list. There was a payment with no name on it that matched the dates and payment. But why was there no name/description attached?

Could you show me a screenshot of that?

The recent activity list doesn’t mention the description/name, but it does show in the recurring payments one.


Strange. Is it part of the “desc” part of the shortcode that tells the subscription name to paypal?

I’ll get back to you with a screenshot as soon as I can.

Here are the screenshots from within the paypal automatic payments

Thanks for the screenshots. Where are you getting that screen? a mobile app?

When you say that the name doesn’t show, do you mean this part?

the screenshot is just from the paypal website, cropped to show relevant portion.

yes that is where a company name should be on the automatic payment page. For example, for me it shows “Adobe, inc” in a similar space for my photoshop subscription.

But for my s2member subscription, it’s not showing up with any name. Which makes it difficult for members to know what the subscription is for or find it to cancel it.

In this screenshot :

at the top it has the little icon and then the payment amount. My photoshop subscription says “adobe, inc” just above the payment amount.

In this screenshot:

Where it shows Past Payments. After the date and the little icon, it should show a company name. Again, for my photoshop subscription it shows “Adobe, Inc” in that space.

Ah ok, I think I understand what you mean now. Thanks for clarifying that.

Let me see what I can do to improve it…

the screenshot is just from the paypal website, cropped to show relevant portion.

On your phone? with the browser or an app? I ask because it doesn’t look like that for me on my browser.

And how do you get to that page? Do you click on the transaction from the Activity list?

The screenshots are taken on a desktop browser and cropped. To get to that page, they went to Account Settings, down to “Money, Banks, and Cards” in the left hand menu, then scroll down to Automatic Payments and click Manage. It looks like the end of the url is myaccount/autopay/

Thanks! Gotcha. It’s the subscriptions listed on the customer’s side, not the business.

Found it.

I did a test subscription with s2 before, and in that one I see the name shown correctly.


I checked and the name matches the one in the Business profile of the PayPal account.


Could you check if you have it set there? Not the PayPal account of the subscriber, but of the business selling the subscription, of course

Okay I’ll check and test that out and get back to you. Thanks.

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I figured it out. We were directing payments to just a regular paypal account, not the business account. So I got that sorted and it’s working now. Thank you for walking me through everything !

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